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  1. aart

    12x 12 coop. How did I do?

    I'm one of the most critical folks here.... I don't hold back, especially when it's asked for....and already gave my opinions. Only thing wrong is, don't put 20 more birds in there.
  2. aart

    12x 12 coop. How did I do?

    It's a much better coop than many on here. I would still advise not increasing your population much, if at all...and adding outdoor rain shelter is an excellent idea. Maybe a ramp to the pop door?
  3. aart

    12x 12 coop. How did I do?

    So on rainy days do they stay in the coop? I don't see much cover outside the coop. The poop boards do add a bit of space during confinement, but not that much.
  4. aart

    12x 12 coop. How did I do?

    What is your location...climate?
  5. aart

    12x 12 coop. How did I do?

    Nice building, love the wide overhangs! Good for 26....I would not add 20 more. What are we seeing thru the window to the right of the door? What so you have for ventilation? What is your location? Size of run....or free range?
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