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  1. Rooless

    3 Weeks Old.. Any Roo's ??

    You're welcome. I hope it helps. He really stumped me. I'm on my computer now and see the pictures larger and I tend to agree with your wife. The buff has loose tail feathers like mine did and some of them look longer. I notice your other buff's tail is coming together smoothly with no loose...
  2. Rooless

    3 Weeks Old.. Any Roo's ?? See if this will work
  3. Rooless

    3 Weeks Old.. Any Roo's ??

    Rooster or hen Last year I had ten buffs. Three wound up being roosters . One baffled me, because his comb was smaller than the other two and he didn't crow. His tail has looser feathers and few longer ones by four months...
  4. Rooless

    3 Weeks Old.. Any Roo's ??

    Your RIR looks like it has a pretty big comb and waddles for a three month old hen. Also it looks like it has some longer feathers growing out of the tail. That is what my leghorn roosters and buffs did. Instead of a uniform tail they grew longer feathers.
  5. Rooless

    3 Weeks Old.. Any Roo's ??

    By the time my buff roosters were 3 month old they had larger obvious combs and waddles. They were also starting to crow. By the pics my guess is they are hens. It's really hard to tell at three weeks but by three months their combs and waddles are obvious. That has been for me. I'm on my fourth...
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