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  1. henny1129

    New chicken momma in Oklahoma

    :D Yes, I love their little chickie dance! It's adorable! And I relate with the cat situation....when we brought home our first chicks it took some time for our dogs to get used to them, but now it's the chickens attacking the dogs, not that they do much damage though. Ha! It might be a little...
  2. henny1129

    New chicken momma in Oklahoma

    Fun! I'm sure they loved going outside and scratching around, I know ours sure did! :)
  3. henny1129

    New chicken momma in Oklahoma

    I love the names and I hope you continue to keep us updated! :)
  4. henny1129

    New chicken momma in Oklahoma

    They are adorable! I hope you have as much fun with them as we have had. It sounds like you already are. :)
  5. henny1129

    New chicken momma in Oklahoma

    Congrats on your new chicks! My favorite breeds are Buff Orpingtons and Ameraucanas. I love that you have a variety of breeds. It's so cool that you've already fallen in love! Keep us updated and maybe you could post some pics. :)
  6. henny1129

    New chicken momma in Oklahoma

    Congrats on your new chickies! We name all of our chickens and ducks, but sometimes it can be hard to think of the names. I suggest trying each name and seeing which one you like and isn't to hard to say. You might not find the perfect name for a chicken for a couple of months. We have a RIR...
  7. henny1129

    New chicken momma in Oklahoma

    Welcome to BYC and congrats on your chicks! Some advice I've learned the hard way about ducks is to not raise them with chickens. They are super messy, so our chicks, which were closer to the ground then the ducks would get rashes on their tummies. Also, I suggest if you get a duck to get two...
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