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  1. rebrascora

     Chickens Not Gaining Weight

    Pleased to hear your young birds are filling out a bit now. I'm not familiar enough with the Marek's vaccine to advise. If you do a search on Marek's you will find several extensive threads and there are people active on those that have bought vaccine and innoculated chicks well beyond the 24...
  2. rebrascora

     Chickens Not Gaining Weight

    Not sure what to make of that post mortem result. I assumed that a local vet who maybe wasn't familiar with chickens had carried it out but if it was done by the ag dept lab it should be right. I would have expected a lot more info to be included, like coccidian and maybe parasitic worm levels...
  3. rebrascora

     Chickens Not Gaining Weight

    If these are layers then you will always be able to feel their breast bone so perhaps your expectation is too high. That said, the fact that you have had so many die indicates that there is clearly something amiss. Knowing the symptoms of the sick ones that died would help enormously. Were...
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