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  1. MichelleT

    Help Now... PLEASE!

    Thank you!!! The entire flock was affected by something for sure, every single hen had one or two symptoms, none exactly the same but all consistent with IB symptoms. That's how I came to think that IB was what it was. Henrietta's just the only one that's had really bad egg-laying...
  2. MichelleT

    Help Now... PLEASE!

    Chicken Vet, I'm curious about your thoughts. Here's how I did my math to figure out the amount of calcium to give: Recommendation for oral dosage: 25 mg calcium / kg - This was the recommedation I found on two different sites. If it was incorrect... well... that's what I had to work...
  3. MichelleT

    Help Now... PLEASE!

    That does make sense, except that she only started acting sick when I withdrew the calcium, and then perked up after I gave it again.In fact, she's acting ALMOST normally now. There is no doubt that she's not absorbing what I give her though, is there?
  4. MichelleT

    Help Now... PLEASE!

    Since my first post I have gone out twice. The first time she had made her way off the roost and into the nesting box and was "laying" a shell-less egg - not even a membrane. 3 of her comrades were lined up behind her digging in - like they've been trained these last few weeks to gather round...
  5. MichelleT

    Help Now... PLEASE!

    I don't think it's parasites - we are diligent about that (worming 2X per year - spring and fall) and they finished their last worming round on March 26. No signs of any lice/mites/etc.
  6. MichelleT

    Help Now... PLEASE!

    She is on an organic layer feed, 17% protein, 4% calcium
  7. MichelleT

    Help Now... PLEASE!

    Thank you so much for responding. Calcium Gluconate - 23% Solution - 1cc orally (dripped in her mouth with a small syringe today but usually I just soak a small piece of stale bread in the stuff) Vitamin D3 - liquid drops I picked up at the health food store - 2000 IU, 1 drop per day, mixed in...
  8. MichelleT

    Help Now... PLEASE!

    I have a hen that has been laying shell-less eggs for several weeks. At first it was soft shells, now we only find a wet goopy spot in the boxes - I assume that they're being eaten. I have been giving her a steady dose of calcium glutonate (sp?) - approx 1cc per day - and vitamin D but there...
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