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  1. Canieldonrad

    Kentucky people

    I have 3 Buckeye Bantam Cockerels I am looking to get rid of. Can meet at Williamstown Tractor Supply. Maybe $10 each. Sorry, no pullets. These are culls, but will be pretty handsome looking when they are grown. Just starting to crow and strut.
  2. Canieldonrad

    Kentucky people

    I know Stark Bros(Fruit Nursery in Missouri) carries them. But I've not seen anyone in Northern Kentucky with them. I know they fell out of popularity in most places around the turn of the 20th century as other fruits became popular. So its likely that you would have to go to someone like...
  3. Canieldonrad

    Kentucky people

    Louisville areas likely allow young birds as long as cockerels do not crow. One of the best breeders of rhode island reds in the country lived in the middle of town with his birds.
  4. Canieldonrad

    Kentucky people

    What part of Kentucky? I have a couple of Pullets that started laying in December and have not stopped(with supplemental light). La Flèche, lay medium sized white eggs, bad combs but gorgeous birds.
  5. Canieldonrad

    Kentucky people

    Black is where the flesh has died, it will come off. The white is where flesh is cutting off dead from living. Think of it as a weird shaped scab. Just make sure swelling goes down within two days, and stays down afterward.
  6. Canieldonrad

    Kentucky people

    So inside the Watterson Expressway. Make sure you are zoned Agriculture in that area. I would very much suggest attending the Kentuckiana Show. For decades it was held around Louisville, now it is in nearby Shelbyville. Always a good little show with a lot of very friendly breeders. Not...
  7. Canieldonrad

    Kentucky people

    I'll have plenty this spring. I live in Dry Ridge(right off 75). I'll start selling pretty early, around late Feb I'll have some that are 2 months.
  8. Canieldonrad

    Kentucky people

    La Fleche, buckeye will be mostly reserved for my uncle and a friend. If I sold any of those it would likely be much further into the year. I plan on hatching upwards of 300 La Fleche in 2014.
  9. Canieldonrad

    Kentucky people

    I'm going to have culls starting late February. What sort of prices are people looking for in cockerels/pullets aged 2 months in the Northern Kentucky area? Do people buy birds on Sunday or is it best to set up in places on Saturday?
  10. Canieldonrad

    Kentucky people

    I remember when the only restaurants in town were McDonalds, Wendys, Arbys and The Little Shrimp. My... how times have changed.
  11. Canieldonrad

    Kentucky people

    dry ridge, one of the most ridiculous town names in the united states
  12. Canieldonrad

    Kentucky people

    Been a bit since I've shown up in the thread. I'm from the Northern area. Along 75 right in the middle between Covington and Lexington. I have Buckeyes and La Flèche. This Spring I will likely have a lot of culls that will be sold cheap(probably $5 each at young ages). I doubt I will hatch...
  13. Canieldonrad

    Kentucky people

    I would seriously consider contacting Doug Akers. He has incredible Black Australorps at the moment. However is in in Indiana.
  14. Canieldonrad

    Kentucky people

    I have three pullets I'm going to go ahead and cull. If anyone wants one let me know I can get her to you or you can come to Dry Ridge to pick her up. I'm going to limit it to one because a couple of friends are getting one each as well. And if you want a couple of cockerels I have those...
  15. Canieldonrad

    Kentucky people

    Some crooked toes. Maybe incubator, maybe not I don't know. I'd really rather not get so involved with them to find out. As much as I would enjoy dumping time, effort and funds into several chicks(100 or so) next year. I just don't see that happening. I already have a breed I plan on...
  16. Canieldonrad

    Kentucky people

    I was wondering if anyone would be interested in 4 Russian Orloff Chicks, about 3 weeks. I'm not going to ask much for them, maybe $5 each. They should turn out Solid Red instead of Spangled. However they have foot problems(which is why I am not asking much for them). One doesn't seem to...
  17. Canieldonrad

    Kentucky people

    Fortunately there are a lot of experienced people in this area with varying types of expertise in poultry. And having UK's Agriculture Department is also nice.
  18. Canieldonrad

    Kentucky people

    You know there is a solution to the problem of 4:5 being cockerels. More chicks.
  19. Canieldonrad

    Kentucky people

    That I do not know, check back in an hour or so Ill get you the number and edit it to this post. Lol so an hour turned into about 3. Their number is 859 428 1427.
  20. Canieldonrad

    Kentucky people

    A place in Crittenden right off of the I75 exit, Lawn and Garden is what is on the front of the building I believe. They sell a lot of different feeds and beddings, great prices too. I don't necessarily buy turkey feed, I buy turkey starter for a high protein chick feed. But I believe they...
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