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  1. belliott

    Kentucky people

    I have 17 hens, Orph, Marans and a couple of RIR. Two are pullets who have not started laying yet. Two of my hens required a lot of stitches when a neighbor's dog invaded my chicken yard. I don't think either of them will ever lay an egg again but that's OK. they have a home as long as they...
  2. belliott

    Kentucky people

    be careful investing money into a tractor or any other kind of coop in your subdivision until you have read the fine print and the extra fine print of your HOA I've got several hens that people had to give up, even though they thought they knew what their neighborhood would allow. They thought...
  3. belliott

    Kentucky people

    Welcome to the KY thread, I am still new here too. Live in Lexington on the East Side Lots of great information on here. If you are on Facebook, be sure to join the Lawrenceburg KY poultry swap page. They seem to be the most active and have a lot of people from Fayette, Woodford, Franklin &...
  4. belliott

    Kentucky people

    Ive got a possum in our backyard and a ground hog. So far, the possum has not made any effort to kill anything or eat any eggs. Even the eggs the hens lay outside now and again are left alone The neighbor's dogs are another problem entirely. I have had 7 hens killed and 4 mangled by a one dog...
  5. belliott

    Kentucky people

    Anyone in the Central KY area with Cuckoo Marans? I would like to have a couple of pullets. Don't have a set up for chicks Prices seem awful steep for the ones I have seen online so far. They had 50 chicks that came into the Lexington Southern States but they sold out in a couple of hours
  6. belliott

    Kentucky people

    Welcome to the KY thread. I live in Lexington. Tons of great information here!
  7. belliott

    Kentucky people

    I bought one of those bird bath heaters for the outside and it has worked great. I put a ping pong ball floating in the water bowl, which is a round heavy plastic utility pan.There has been some ice flakes around the edges but it has not frozen solid yet. As soon as the chickens start to drink...
  8. belliott

    Kentucky people

    7-8 eggs I think is really good if you don't have them under any kind of lighting for this time of year. I'm getting 3 to 5 eggs a day from 14 hens and am pleased with that many laying in this cold weather. 2 of my hens are recuperating from injuries so I have not seen them on the nest at all.
  9. belliott

    Kentucky people

    I have lived in Central KY for the past 41 years. So far, so good on my hens. No damage has been seen yet........ Maybe I should knock on wood.. We'll see what this weekend brings. Windchill is supposed to be brutal from tonight till Monday. If the hens don't go outside, which I doubt they will...
  10. belliott

    Kentucky people

    My coop is tight with no drafts. I have good ventilation at the top so there is no humidity buildup to cause frost bite. The hens seem to be fine. I put a heated bird bath waterer in the coop and also their feed since the Starlings were eating more of the feed than the chickens, So now the hens...
  11. belliott

    Kentucky people

    welcome..I agree, not much conversation goes on here. We need more chatty peeps I suppose LOL I live in Lexington also How's this cold with everyone's flock? I shoveled out a space today in the chicken yard so they would come out in the snow to eat their treats. Didn't take long to gobble...
  12. belliott

    Kentucky people

    The Lexington KY chicken swap is held in the parking lot of Fitzpatrick's Furniture Store. It is located at the corner of Old Paris Pike and New Circle Road. You can't miss the building. It is painted a very very Bright Yellow and Green! They used to hold the swap on Bryan Station Road at the...
  13. belliott

    Kentucky people

    When we went to the Nov swap in Lawrenceburg, they said it was the last one of the season. The swap meet in Lexington is still going on. They had a good crowd there last Saturday. I bought 2 nice hens Is there a list somewhere of all the swap meets around and the dates?. I know the swap meet...
  14. belliott

    Kentucky people

    How do you get your Location to show up on the Left side underneath your name? I cannot seem to find it in the profile section
  15. belliott

    Kentucky people

    The below link has information on NPIP testing for KY. There is a number at the bottom of the list that you can call For more information, please contact your NPIP program coordinator with the Kentucky Department of Agriculture. Sue Blair, Central Kentucky (502)-229-7073...
  16. belliott

    Kentucky people

    nice to meet ya. Dont live far from the North End. Just got a couple of hens from someone who lives in an HOA. I cannot imagine why anyone would want to live in that kind of environment where strangers dictate what you can and cannot do on your own property!
  17. belliott

    Kentucky people

    I live in Lexington, almost down town. Just started my chickens this past month. Have 9 hens. 1 Rhode Island Red, and the rest are Buff Orpinton and Ameraucana. Anyone else here from Lexington?
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