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  1. dreamercatcher63

    Kentucky people

    are them ducks exspensive:thumbsup Quote: Think of it as a 'chi who-ah-who-ah. That makes it easier to spell (chihuahua)
  2. dreamercatcher63

    Kentucky people

    thanks mojo they are very pretty where can u get some of them Mojo Chick'n : Quote: works for me, I knew what ya meant
  3. dreamercatcher63

    Kentucky people

    what are those mandarina ducks the one person is wanting never heard of them:D Mojo Chick'n : Quote: Yeah, he'll probably go right to her. That's how I found where my cayuga duck had layed her egg. They both came running to it when me and Cris got too close! Right in the middle of the...
  4. dreamercatcher63

    Kentucky people

    yeah I like see what does come through where are some more places to go and check things out:weee:weee Quote: They are addictive aren't they? I go to Sano just about every week, gives us (me and dad) something to do. Pretty pathetic isn't it?
  5. dreamercatcher63

    Kentucky people

    you know I will be there I'm addicted to it now love my birds:woot:woot Quote: No, I don't know anyone that has pheasants! The only ones I ever see are at Sano, and those are always the ringnecks. My friend May used to, but I think she got rid of them all.
  6. dreamercatcher63

    Kentucky people

    what happen to everyone where is everyone at Quote:
  7. dreamercatcher63

    Kentucky people

    I got pheasants today two red golden and one yellow know any one that raises these need some hens to go with them Quote:
  8. dreamercatcher63

    Kentucky people

    the posting situation girl Quote:
  9. dreamercatcher63

    Kentucky people

    what time are you going to be there Quote:
  10. dreamercatcher63

    Kentucky people

    I got three banty cochins black ones but still young so I hope a got a roo and hens Quote: Okay, I'll be there. I'll have a couple more young drakes to sell too. I swapped with ladrifter today, 3 BR/cochin mixes for 3 rouens, 2 of them are drakes. But that's okay, the last ones sold before I...
  11. dreamercatcher63

    Kentucky people

    what kind of drakes don't sell them how much Quote: Okay, I'll be there. I'll have a couple more young drakes to sell too. I swapped with ladrifter today, 3 BR/cochin mixes for 3 rouens, 2 of them are drakes. But that's okay, the last ones sold before I even got out of the truck last week...
  12. dreamercatcher63

    Kentucky people

    Thanks alot hon how are you doing Quote: Yep, I just asked you if you were going to be there! There are 44 at last count, so unless some have escaped, that's what you will be getting!
  13. dreamercatcher63

    Kentucky people

    well bring them on okay I will be there okay:D Quote: Yep, I just asked you if you were going to be there! There are 44 at last count, so unless some have escaped, that's what you will be getting!
  14. dreamercatcher63

    Kentucky people

    yes we are hon see you there okay yes bring them okay how many? Quote: Hey!! How are you? Are you and hubby going to be at Sano for sure tomorrow? I would hate to take these babies and have them freeze to death for nothing!
  15. dreamercatcher63

    Kentucky people

    shelly are you the one with the quail are you going to bring them friday? Quote: I think that is putting it mildly there BlueDog!!
  16. dreamercatcher63

    Kentucky people

    Hello everyone, Just got me some more light brahma's today. Got me some banties too.Got my blue chick cochins too.Oh yeah forgot to tell ya I got a whole bunch of golden comets gonna have alot hatching out they were laying like crazy also some black austrolops.So whats new going on.
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