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  1. mario49

    Kentucky people

    Quote: yep but u want to keep them really warm because they only have 1 furnace in the chicken sale barn and it really isnt warm unless u r right next to it. but yeah they will let u sell i geuss any kind of chicken.
  2. mario49

    Kentucky people

    Quote: well right now i have it in a bowl but tommorow i am getting 1 of those galvanised metal quart jar feeders/waterers. they have like 5 holes in the bottom and the jar holds the eed on top .?? Hey i have a couple of those that I am not using right now if you want to use until Monday. I...
  3. mario49

    Kentucky people

    Quote: o i 4got i have those 1 gallon red and white waterers that would work .i geuss i will have to get that 1 out of my chicken storage lol! im pretty sure they cant dround in a half inch of water.? well gtg night all. o and check out my new avatar it is a egg smily face if you cant see...
  4. mario49

    Kentucky people

    Quote: Sounds like a plan to me!! Youd be waiting a while for your money LOL! Im broke Got 5 dollars thats a start HEHE! Bought Silkies today! yeahhh u might need a lil more money than that u will need around 440,000 a week .... think u can handel that lol!
  5. mario49

    Kentucky people

    Quote: well right now i have it in a bowl but tommorow i am getting 1 of those galvanised metal quart jar feeders/waterers. they have like 5 holes in the bottom and the jar holds the eed on top .?? Yeah, those work real well. You can use a chick waterer too if you have any, but try and get...
  6. mario49

    Kentucky people

    Quote: hahaha o ok sheeew lol thought i was in a pickle there lol! Thanks so much ! ill probably have to annoy u 2morrow again if the slightest thing goes wrong lol! I was leaning more towards the 'educating' part, but we all annoy each other from time to time! Do you have their feed in...
  7. mario49

    Kentucky people

    Quote: well i think us (and by us that means 22,000 people) can keep it a secret:hide ..... maybe .... ok heres the deal u pay each of us (22,000 people) 10$ bucks each twice a week and i think we will let it slide. GOT ME! ......JK JK LOL Hhahahahahahaha:lau:gig:lau:gig
  8. mario49

    Kentucky people

    Quote: ok thanks im sorry but i have 1 last Q. i read some info from monarchs education on quail post and it seemed like it said that i have to have a 250$ (yearly) license to transport the quail and keep them ???/ is that true its k if it is though ? jw? No, not in KY anyway. The only...
  9. mario49

    Kentucky people

    Quote: k thanks but will they b fertile when they start laying ??/ They should be, but you would probably want to crack the first couple open and check for the bullseye. It is very tiny, so you have to look hard! ok thanks im sorry but i have 1 last Q. i read some info from monarchs...
  10. mario49

    Kentucky people

    Quote: k thanks but will they b fertile when they start laying ??/
  11. mario49

    Kentucky people

    Quote: Wow!! That's a lot of eggs!!! Oh, and the quail don't like to be held like loved-on type of holding, but they are not wild. Plus if one does get out, all you have to do is walk over to it and pick it up. They don't fly too much. I have only had 2 try to fly away when they got out...
  12. mario49

    Kentucky people

    oooooh i totaly forgot to tell u all me and cronney are having 103 std. chicken eggs hatch on Feb. 8th:celebrate ( some are barred rock, white leghorn, partridge rock, RIR, white rock, some kinda silkie, some polish, golden comets, etc.) I will update u all when i can . i will take some...
  13. mario49

    Kentucky people

    Quote: I will be out tomorrow to see personally. great cu tomorow neighbor.! lol but i have a superbowl party 2 go to at 3:30
  14. mario49

    Kentucky people

    Quote: They are so sweet, and they are very tame!! You will have a lot of fun with those! yeah but i found out real quick that they dont like to be held lol now i just let them do wat ever lol. they hevent got out on me yet lol!
  15. mario49

    Kentucky people

    Hello, My name is "Dalton" and i think i have posted on this forum before and i would just like to say hello! Welll soo far i'm just a chicken farmer lol "So far hahaha" i have 61 chickens but 10 are my dad's. 25 hens of white leghorns. 24 hens of Barred Rocks and 1 roo of barred rock and white...
  16. mario49

    Kentucky people

    Quote: hey shelly d do you have any more quail that u cud bring next fri.? just 2 male and female?
  17. mario49

    Kentucky people

    Quote: ibelieve i tried to buy those but i didnt have thebidding card my dad had it so this one guy bught them for 3$ i wud have gace 8$ for them both so i asked if he wud sell them and he denied ..... awwwwwwww:he:barnie so i geuss i llget some next time or if someone shows up and offers me...
  18. mario49

    Kentucky people

    Quote: Sano is the local auction, they do Goats and Sheep usually, but they do just about anything in reality. It is technically called "Sano Goat and Sheep Auction". There are usually a ton of poultry in the spring/summer/fall, it isn't as busy for poultry this time of year, but still, I...
  19. mario49

    Kentucky people

    Quote: is that the one dad had in his trailer? from yur neighbor
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