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  1. eggcetra_farms

    Update: HAPPY ENDING! - Friday 13th - One dead, one injured.

    That's awesome wolf! The balance thing is tricky, but she should have it down in a couple of weeks. It's (I assume) like taking the training wheels off your bike when you're little. You have to learn how to ride without the extra support, just like she needs to learn to walk around with her...
  2. eggcetra_farms

    Update: HAPPY ENDING! - Friday 13th - One dead, one injured.

    Ok, here is what I have though I'm sure there are many other kinds available. ******************* It's called Rooster Booster Pick-no-more lotion. Controls cannibalism. For external use on domestic poultry. Remove cap, invert bottle and squeeze, spreading lotion on wounded area with tip of...
  3. eggcetra_farms

    Update: HAPPY ENDING! - Friday 13th - One dead, one injured.

    Hmmm...I don't know if they would have it or not, although I looked on the Tractor Supply site and they didn't have it. That doesn't mean they don't have it IN the store, just maybe not on the website. I'm going to go see what kind I have so you know what to keep an eye out for.
  4. eggcetra_farms

    Update: HAPPY ENDING! - Friday 13th - One dead, one injured.

    The only thing I'd suggest is to get some anti-peck and rub it on her nubbie. Even after Kitty Cat's stump healed, the chickens still wanted to go after it for the first couple days. I don't know if they just remembered or could see she was different...... She was totally healed, no blood or...
  5. eggcetra_farms

    Update: HAPPY ENDING! - Friday 13th - One dead, one injured.

    So good to hear about her smooth recovery. Let us know how re-introducing her to the others goes.
  6. eggcetra_farms

    Update: HAPPY ENDING! - Friday 13th - One dead, one injured.

    Lost it, or never had it......hmmm............ Just kidding, that's great that she's hanging out with you. Maybe you'll end up with a special bond.
  7. eggcetra_farms

    Update: HAPPY ENDING! - Friday 13th - One dead, one injured.

    That's great wolf. Glad everything checked out ok.
  8. eggcetra_farms

    Update: HAPPY ENDING! - Friday 13th - One dead, one injured.

    Poor wolf, you have the fever! As for Lefty.....If you name her that, in my opinion, you'll need a Pancho to go with her. You just can't have Lefty without Pancho! I hope the vet visit goes well, although I'm sure it will.
  9. eggcetra_farms

    Update: HAPPY ENDING! - Friday 13th - One dead, one injured.

    Chickens will eat just about ANYTHING, so I would think it could be easy. Dogs......not so much. I know when I was little and my mom would try to give the dogs their heartworm pill or whatever it was and she'd wrap it in cheese. The dogs got smart and would eat the cheese and you'd find the...
  10. eggcetra_farms

    Update: HAPPY ENDING! - Friday 13th - One dead, one injured.

    I guess she's feeling cooped up! lol Ah....chicken humor. Glad to hear she's feeling well enough to jump around. What does the wife think? Oh, and out of curiousity - which wing was it? For some reason I keep thinking the right one, but that may be because Kitty Cat's was the right one...
  11. eggcetra_farms

    Update: HAPPY ENDING! - Friday 13th - One dead, one injured.

    Hey Wolf, How's she today? Oh, and how are you? lol Did you finally get some rest?
  12. eggcetra_farms

    Update: HAPPY ENDING! - Friday 13th - One dead, one injured.

    I'm so glad she's doing well! Glad they could leave the stump too. Her feathers should probably grow over the bone, and you'll never see it. That's how Kitty Cat's are. They just grow curved over the bone and cover it right up. Don't let her around the other chickens till it's COMPLETELY...
  13. eggcetra_farms

    Update: HAPPY ENDING! - Friday 13th - One dead, one injured.

    You know what's funny? When it got really hot the first time around two of our girls weren't really laying, but Kitty Cat the one-winged chicken was pumping them out! My husband joked that it was because she was much cooler without one wing. Well, who knows? Maybe that's true.
  14. eggcetra_farms

    Update: HAPPY ENDING! - Friday 13th - One dead, one injured.

    hey wolf Yes, she has a stump because her wing was torn off at the "shoulder" bone. Get what I mean? This very well may save your chicken's life and the wing is not essential to your chicken's well being anyway. I mean, I'm not saying to just go around lopping off chicken wings - just that...
  15. eggcetra_farms

    Update: HAPPY ENDING! - Friday 13th - One dead, one injured.

    Well I'm glad she's getting looked at. Just remember, if she looses the wing it's not the end of the road. In fact, it may be a new beginning because if the wing is removed it may just save her life. Whenever I'm watching my chickens I don't even think about my Kitty Cat with her one wing -...
  16. eggcetra_farms

    Update: HAPPY ENDING! - Friday 13th - One dead, one injured.

    wolf, it's not your fault! Maggots never crossed my mind until a while back when I read someone's post about them being on her injured rooster. It's just not something at the forefront of most people's "things to watch out for." You were focused on keeping her safe, happy, painfree...
  17. eggcetra_farms

    Update: HAPPY ENDING! - Friday 13th - One dead, one injured.

    Are you wrapping the wound with anything? You could use a non-stick gauze pad with rolled gauze wrapped around it to keep it from sticking to both the wound and the feathers. If the wound is left exposed, this may be adding to the maggot problem. I would think that having the wound wrapped...
  18. eggcetra_farms

    Update: HAPPY ENDING! - Friday 13th - One dead, one injured.

    wolfpacker, I'm glad she's on the mend. I hope she gets full function back in her wing.
  19. eggcetra_farms

    Update: HAPPY ENDING! - Friday 13th - One dead, one injured.

    I'm betting she'll be fine. I have a golden Campine named Kitty Cat who had her right wing torn off. Unfortunately, when we tried to find a vet to help us nobody treated chickens. The only "advice" we got from one vet was to "put her down if she's that hurt, it's just a chicken." That was...
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