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  1. Falconfree

    Ideas on Breeds?

    They are 17 weeks old. I sure hope she ends up being a hen, guess we'll just have to see if eggs start showing up from her. She's so different, behaviorally, from the two roos we had. She never makes a noise (unlike Belle who talks to me the entire time I'm outside, lol), is super skittish, and...
  2. Falconfree

    Ideas on Breeds?

    Fun! Thanks everyone. :)
  3. Falconfree

    Ideas on Breeds?

    The second one was the Isa Brown. Bahahahaha. That farmer...
  4. Falconfree

    Ideas on Breeds?

    I have a couple hens (I'm pretty sure, the 2 roosters have already met the processor) and I'm wondering what breed they are? The old farmer sold them to me as a Buff Orpington and an Isa Brown, but he also sold me a Dom that ended up being a mixed breed roo. :) Appreciate any help! Tell me if I...
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