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  1. mylilchix

    Saddle Patterns-PICS ADDED

    Ok, I got out the camera and here is the fashion show! Sonja
  2. mylilchix

    Saddle Patterns-PICS ADDED

    I'll take some pics tomorrow. Basically I cut an oval out of fleece, cut a slit for the tail, and medium sized tear shaped holes for the wings. It's simpler than it seems. Sonja
  3. mylilchix

    Saddle Patterns-PICS ADDED

    I did it!!! I made 14 brown fleece saddles this morning, and my girls look so cute! Thank you for you ideas, they really helped. One thing I did learn was that I needed to make them a little small because the fleece stretched when I put them on the hens. Sonja
  4. mylilchix

    Saddle Patterns-PICS ADDED

    That is awesome, thank you!! I guess a trip to the fabric store is in order. I may have to make these for all my girls as winter coats, too. Sonja
  5. mylilchix

    Saddle Patterns-PICS ADDED

    I've been noticing that my RIR, who is my roos favorite playmate, is getting a little bare on her back. Does anyone have a pattern for a saddle, so I can make one for her? Thanks, Sonja
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