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  1. Picklesquidly

    PLEASE HELP! Chicken ATTACKED, won't respond

    Well, Pepe died today. We'll probably bury her tomorrow morning in her favorite spot. Thank you all for helping me out through all of this, it means so much to me.
  2. Picklesquidly

    PLEASE HELP! Chicken ATTACKED, won't respond

    Is a broken neck a possibility, or actual brain damage, or do you think its nerve damage only?
  3. Picklesquidly

    PLEASE HELP! Chicken ATTACKED, won't respond

    I don't know of any vets yet; I'm going to do some research for any that could be in my area. I tried moving her neck, but she would just twist it back into this strange position. I'll try to buy some baby aspirin and antibiotic tomorrow.
  4. Picklesquidly

    PLEASE HELP! Chicken ATTACKED, won't respond

    She looks a lot worse today. Pepe opened her eyes momentarily (one of her eyes, on the side with her injury, looks white and maybe she lost an eye) while I was taking her out of the cage to clean it, and she flapped her wings around a little. But I think she's in pain; she was writhing around...
  5. Picklesquidly

    PLEASE HELP! Chicken ATTACKED, won't respond

    Pepe is the injured one, and Cashew was the one killed this morning. I'll send pictures of Pepe in a second. She makes a nibbling motion with her mouth when I try to feed and water her, but idk how much of it she actually takes in
  6. Picklesquidly

    PLEASE HELP! Chicken ATTACKED, won't respond

    My other chicken, Cashew, was also attacked this morning. I can't find her anywhere, and all that's left is a pile of feathers. I only have one bird left, and I locked her up in the coop to keep her safe. I'm at loss on what to do right now. For now I'll keep Chestnut in the coop (which...
  7. Picklesquidly

    PLEASE HELP! Chicken ATTACKED, won't respond

    I do think it was a hawk also, since we have many red-tailed hawks in the area, and I've never seen a weasel here in my life. Also, we found her only a few feet away from where she was attacked, and several hours after it happened, so I think a weasel would have finished the job since she...
  8. Picklesquidly

    PLEASE HELP! Chicken ATTACKED, won't respond

    Thank you so much, that gives me some hope.
  9. Picklesquidly

    PLEASE HELP! Chicken ATTACKED, won't respond

    Thank you, but even if we keep feeding her and getting her fluids, is she really going to get better? I think she's got nerve or brain damage, and I don't know if keeping her like this is humane
  10. Picklesquidly

    PLEASE HELP! Chicken ATTACKED, won't respond

    Quick update; she's looking really awful; she can stand and move around, but her eyes can't open, and her neck is twisted completely sideways and she can't move it out of that position. Mom is trying to feed her, and it seems like shes trying to take in the food, but I don't know if its actually...
  11. Picklesquidly

    PLEASE HELP! Chicken ATTACKED, won't respond

    Well.... she laid an egg? A normal one, I don't see anything wrong with it. But she's still not opening her eyes, and keeps making this odd motion with her head, kinda like shes repeatedly nodding to the side
  12. Picklesquidly

    PLEASE HELP! Chicken ATTACKED, won't respond

    Ah okay; we'll ill keep an eye on her for a while. I'll let you guys know if anything happens. Thank you so much for the advice!
  13. Picklesquidly

    PLEASE HELP! Chicken ATTACKED, won't respond

    Thank you for the in-depth info I don't know of any vets that could take care of a chicken in my area, but ill look around what im worried about is that the temperature is in the 90's today, and I think she was laying outside for at least an hour or two, though in the shade could that be...
  14. Picklesquidly

    PLEASE HELP! Chicken ATTACKED, won't respond

    im sorry its hard to tell, theres a laceration on the flesh right by where the feathers start on her head its kind of small
  15. Picklesquidly

    PLEASE HELP! Chicken ATTACKED, won't respond

    I went outside this afternoon and found a pile of feathers; i was sure that my chicken was gone until i found her behind my pond shes got a bad cut on the side of her face, on her wattle, and shes slumped over. She isnt opening her eyes at all, and all shes doing is slowly opening and closing...
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