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  1. oldhenlikesdogs

    Granny's gone and done it again

    Just a reminder, if you have a problem with moderation please discuss it privately with a moderator. You are allowed to talk about covid in general, just not debate vaccines or other issues because some see it as political. Political posts are against the BYC rules as they often lead to arguing...
  2. oldhenlikesdogs

    Granny's gone and done it again

    I gotta go eat supper. Nice talking to you Granny again. :frow
  3. oldhenlikesdogs

    Granny's gone and done it again

    There are different species of loaches ranging from around 4 inches to the clown loaches which can get up to 8 inches I believe. I personally like yoyo loaches. I found some golden loaches at petco that look just like the yoyo except for coloring. They love snails. Mine cleaned up my problems...
  4. oldhenlikesdogs

    Granny's gone and done it again

    I think it looked like a 20 gallon too. I can't stand snakes. :oops: I wouldn't have rats or mice here either. Just gerbils and hamsters. Like there's a difference? :gig
  5. oldhenlikesdogs

    Granny's gone and done it again

    That's a lot of snails. :oops: A snail infestation is why I originally got some loaches. :) I think I got them back in September for my birthday. We run our water through a softener, so that's probably why they don't last. I can't get straight well water as it's horrible. I guess I stick with...
  6. oldhenlikesdogs

    Granny's gone and done it again

    :lol: , sorry about the mouse. My avatar is hamsters. :) I like dwarf hamsters.
  7. oldhenlikesdogs

    Granny's gone and done it again

    Most of my live bearers slowly died off. I cannot keep them alive. :idunno So I went and got a few more angels and some loaches. :) Those thrive here. Why type of snails? :pop
  8. oldhenlikesdogs

    Granny's gone and done it again

    I'm doing better now that the holidays are done. I'm on to dreaming about next year's gardens and poultry. I probably got too many irons in the fire again. :D
  9. oldhenlikesdogs

    Granny's gone and done it again

    Hello Granny. :frow How many tanks do you have now?
  10. oldhenlikesdogs

    Granny's gone and done it again

    Wow, you dug that by hand? Two foot long koi. I wrote three didn't I? :D
  11. oldhenlikesdogs

    Granny's gone and done it again

    Your description of the ram sounds right. We used to have a fish store that would carry exotic fish species, but it went out of business years ago. I did get to try a bunch of different species for a short while, and it was fun. Now I'm limited to Petco.
  12. oldhenlikesdogs

    Granny's gone and done it again

    My pond is only around 300 gallons, so koi were off the list. I can't imagine 3 foot long ones. :love I would miss them too.
  13. oldhenlikesdogs

    Granny's gone and done it again

    Fish I can keep alive here long term are goldfish, Angel fish, tetra, gourami, and Cory cats, so that's what I mainly keep these days. I guess I have a lot to say about fish tonight. :)
  14. oldhenlikesdogs

    Granny's gone and done it again

    I tried some ram ciclids, but they didn't make it too long here, about a year. They were adorable little things. :).
  15. oldhenlikesdogs

    Granny's gone and done it again

    I had 3 babies separated and they just disappeared. I think the betta got in the breeders net and are them and than jumped back out. I haven't seen any more babies since. I think because of my water, but I'm not positive. I also had one of my older big goldfish die. That one would make a meal...
  16. oldhenlikesdogs

    Granny's gone and done it again

    There are tons of beautiful ciclids aren't there. I have so far avoided them because of reading how they can be aggressive, and some breed like crazy. I know angels are considered ciclids, but I don't count them. :) I do think about Oscars some day. They are said to be troublemakers. :D
  17. oldhenlikesdogs

    Granny's gone and done it again

    Oops again. I thought the freaky little thing was a duckling. I really couldn't get past the three red glowing eyes. :sick:sick:sick:sick
  18. oldhenlikesdogs

    Granny's gone and done it again

    I cannot mix any straight well water. It's okay. I couldn't keep livebearers alive a few years back, so I probably can't again. I got my eyes set on a tank of tiger barbs. They do well here and I enjoy their zippy action.
  19. oldhenlikesdogs

    Granny's gone and done it again

    :sick Oops, that was for the duck. :)
  20. oldhenlikesdogs

    Granny's gone and done it again

    Some diabetics, like me can't feel things correctly with the fingertips. So you gotta watch that things aren't too hot. That's my guess on that.
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