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  1. NewChickmom2016

    Our first squat!

    FINALLY! Ten days later (why does it feel like weeks???) we have our first egg! Dottie was in and out of the nesting boxes about an hour before she laid it- scratching around like crazy. I was in the house and heard her making A LOT of noise- knew something was going on. Went out to find an...
  2. NewChickmom2016

    Our first squat!

    Dottie started squatting last Thursday- 6 days ago. Hoping she is saving that first egg for Thanksgiving!
  3. NewChickmom2016

    Our first squat!

    Mine have had scrambled eggs a few times over the last month. Today I gave them some cooked turkey - maybe that will do the trick! Dottie- the one who is about to lay- was VERY interested in the turkey- she ate way more than her share! fingers crossed we will have an egg tomorrow! -Jerie
  4. NewChickmom2016

    Our first squat!

    Kegs- Congratulations!!!! You win!!! Dottie is squatting like crazy - but STILL no egg! Maybe tomorrow..... -Jerie
  5. NewChickmom2016

    Our first squat!

    Yes they are!!! Will be something if mine lays the day before yours!
  6. NewChickmom2016

    Our first squat!

    Kegs1972- Race you to the first egg!!!! Our nesting boxes have also been toured by the girls! Saw some more shavings kicked out today- so someone was in there. How old are your girls? Mine were hatched 6/15/16. -Jerie
  7. NewChickmom2016

    Our first squat!

    Third day of squatting for our girl, Dottie. No egg yet! Our Buff Orpington is getting much redder in the comb and her wattles are growing- guessing she will be laying in the next month or so. Our Easter Egger has very little comb and no wattle yet- so will be awhile for her. All hatched...
  8. NewChickmom2016

    Our first squat!

    Teila- Thinking so! -Jerie
  9. NewChickmom2016

    Our first squat!

    Food FreedomNow- Funny thing about Dottie- she has gotten nicer as she has gotten closer to laying. She is now the first one to jump up on my leg! Really enjoying being a Chicken Mom! -Jerie
  10. NewChickmom2016

    Our first squat!

    I'm sure many of you can remember the first time one of your chickens did the "squat" - well- it finally happened to me this morning! The girls were born June 15- so they are 5 months and 2 days. Our black australorp has been looking like she was getting close- red comb and wattles and finally...
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