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  1. Anne4596

    Chick with no eyes!

    Just updating you all. The poor chick passed away today. We simply could not bring ourselves to cull her, but she died a peaceful death with her mother and siblings. R.I.P. Little chick. I do believe that if blindness was the only thing wrong with this chick, it would have lived. However, there...
  2. Anne4596

    Chick with no eyes!

    Yes, she also is missing a claw on each foot. She also doesn't seem to have any interest in food or water.
  3. Anne4596

    Chick with no eyes!

    Thank you so much!
  4. Anne4596

    Chick with no eyes!

    That is amazingly encouraging! How did you keep her alive? Did she require any special care?
  5. Anne4596

    Chick with no eyes!

    Well this is encouraging! How did you keep the chick alive? Does it require any special care?
  6. Anne4596

    Chick with no eyes!

    We checked he just has no eyes
  7. Anne4596

    Chick with no eyes!

    Do you have any idea on how to get it to eat or drink?
  8. Anne4596

    Chick with no eyes!

    I don't think that I can bring myself to cull the poor thing. Are there any other options?
  9. Anne4596

    Chick with no eyes!

    I have a 3-4 day old group of chicks being raised by a broody hen indoors due to the cold weather. One of the chicks hatched with no eyes! The poor thing has used up all of its yolk, and it isn't eating or drinking, just hiding under its momma. It gets weaker everyday, and I am desperate for any...
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