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  1. Adalida

    Help my duck wont eat!!!!!!

    Also, where is she now? Do you have her contained inside? I'm guessing she is somewhat wild since she was living on your pond?
  2. Adalida

    Help my duck wont eat!!!!!!

    You can try putting an unbreakable mirror where she can see it. Pet stores sell them in the bird section. There was a post on here awhile back with a distressed lonely duck who wouldn't eat, and somebody suggested the mirror trick. The duck settled down once she saw another duck with her. It...
  3. Adalida

    Help my duck wont eat!!!!!!

    And curious, why are you force feeding her peanut butter? Did a vet tell you to do that? I've never heard of giving ducks peanut butter before. I've heard to give them oatmeal or boiled/scrambled eggs, but not peanut butter.
  4. Adalida

    Help my duck wont eat!!!!!!

    Is your duck alone now or do you still have other ducks? If you have others, is she separated from them or can she see them? If she is a lone duck now, she is likely grieving the loss of her friend. Ducks bond very strongly.
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