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  1. lpyrbby

    Follow Along - My NYD Hatch Gender Guesses!

    Time for 9 week pics! Please feel free to jump in with opinions! Again, I don't have everyone in here and might have a double on some of the black Ameraucanas and just can't tell lol Ameraucana This one I'm still convinced is a girl. SS/RSL Non NN mix - boy BCM - girl Ameraucana...
  2. lpyrbby

    Follow Along - My NYD Hatch Gender Guesses!

    Ready for week 8? I didn't get everyone, again. We actually had a bird of prey of some sort making random fly overs so I was a little distracted. Non NN roo SS/RSL roo SS/Dark Cornish pullet?? Maybe? Mottled Ameraucana - most likely roo. Breeder says still too early to tell, but I'm...
  3. lpyrbby

    Follow Along - My NYD Hatch Gender Guesses!

    I feel lucky having gotten any girls at all It's okay though, honestly. I'm making plans to get 2 dozen more eggs to throw in the incubator in March for an April Fool's Day hatch. I can only have so many chickens so I'll keep the ladies and the boys will either be sold (LOL right) or processed.
  4. lpyrbby

    Follow Along - My NYD Hatch Gender Guesses!

    Week 7! I didn't get all of them and of the black ameraucana, I can't tell them apart unless they're side by side or if I go do a study on previous chick pics LOL Semi group photo. We know the red one is a boy lol Ameraucana - MIGHT be a girl, but leaning towards boy. Ameraucana -...
  5. lpyrbby

    Follow Along - My NYD Hatch Gender Guesses!

    Thanks everyone :) Stay tuned for more updates because we all just gotta know! Especially with these breed mixes lol
  6. lpyrbby

    Follow Along - My NYD Hatch Gender Guesses!

    I know I have at least 2 boys but the rest are still up in the air. It also doesn't really help to have them all in a crowd as opposed to how I was able to do the individual photos the first 3 weeks. They are WAY more interested in being chickens than they are models I'm sure the next couple of...
  7. lpyrbby

    Follow Along - My NYD Hatch Gender Guesses!

    Surprise! Life gets in the way! I've conceded to not being able to get fancy pics of the chicks going forward. Week 4 pics were kinda meh, but I did get quite a few pics of them today, at week 5. I'll try to make them make sense LOL The chick up front and the red one behind him are two...
  8. lpyrbby

    Follow Along - My NYD Hatch Gender Guesses!

    So, I suck and didn't take week 3 pics, but #3 and #12 have pinked combs sooooooooooo....we continue to wait.
  9. lpyrbby

    Follow Along - My NYD Hatch Gender Guesses!

    You're probably right ;) I think I'm seeing some pinking of the comb, but it's still early yet. Also, the ones you've noted the tiny combs on, they have pea combs, so they're going to be pretty insignificant for a while Chick 11 and 13 are buddies. Those two come and roost on my hand/arm if...
  10. lpyrbby

    Follow Along - My NYD Hatch Gender Guesses!

    It's totally just for fun! I know that it's not likely to be any sort of accurate at this age, but I figured that a good game of boy/girl can't hurt. Maybe I also don't want to suffer alone :)
  11. lpyrbby

    Follow Along - My NYD Hatch Gender Guesses!

    They're 2 weeks old at the start of this thread and it's still WAY early to be able to sex the chicks, but for fun and games, why not try? Chick 1 - Black Ameracauna - possibly mottled. Chick 2 - Blue Mottled Ameracauna Chick 3 - Backyard mix - was possible NN but come out...
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