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  1. chickens really

    First time hatching eggs

  2. chickens really

    First time hatching eggs

    How sweet......Not really, but he looks cute......Poor baby......I hope it gets better in the next few days....... Cheers!
  3. chickens really

    First time hatching eggs

  4. chickens really

    First time hatching eggs

    Always a good sign.......Update with progress.......I will be waiting and watching for your replies! Cheers!
  5. chickens really

    First time hatching eggs

    Yes, very stressful time......I was not trying to be mean at all.....I feel your worry.....I was just in that on Monday......I giggled about the iphone light.....You will want a flashlight......Mine was my best friend..... I wish you total success with this......
  6. chickens really

    First time hatching eggs

    lol................I recommend you get a good flashlight.........You will need it because you will need to see and want to see...... Cheers!
  7. chickens really

    First time hatching eggs

    Wait two more days.......I would.......Are you using a good flashlight and looking from the biggest point of the egg, not the pointy side.......
  8. chickens really

    First time hatching eggs

    See, Hens will lay a clutch and then start setting.....That is why you can collect eggs and then set them all on the same day.....I hope I make sense?.....I am
  9. chickens really

    First time hatching eggs

    Okay I get it......Leave those eggs......Count the day she actually stopped laying as day one.....Then candle on day 10....Make sense to you?.......I am new to this also......
  10. chickens really

    First time hatching eggs

    Are you sure she is even Broody at all? Does she sit all day and growl or puff up really big when you approach the nest?.....If she is still laying, she is not Broody.....I have Two Broodys....One with Chicks and one just setting 10 eggs as of yesterday.......They are mean, cranky Birds right...
  11. chickens really

    First time hatching eggs

    Also once a Hen sets to brood, they do not lay eggs anymore.....
  12. chickens really

    First time hatching eggs

    What you do is collect eggs that are fertile....I take it you have a Rooster....... You can collect eggs for up to ten days and store in a cool room in an egg carton with the Big end up. pointy end down.....And use a book under the carton to shift the eggs daily so the yolk does not stick to...
  13. chickens really

    First time hatching eggs

    By day 10 you would clearly see an embryo and veins....The heart would be seen under candling........Are you sure the eggs are fertile?
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