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  1. reneec1301

    Need advice

  2. reneec1301

    Need advice

    They all went to bed, and she seems to be ignoring him now, Thank goodness. here is a pic of him, can you tell me what kind he is..
  3. reneec1301

    Need advice

    Mrs Moe is about 5, Never had her with a rooster until now. She drew litttle blood off him :-( Here is the rooster.
  4. reneec1301

    Need advice

    Should I separate them again tonight or put him in Mrs Moe's house?
  5. reneec1301

    Need advice

    I Just got him last night, had him in a pen by himself. Today I let hens out first, The hens were over by his pen and he was going crazy so I let him out.. The 4 hens took to him fine, the other Miss Moe seems to hate him. She is the original one left out of the ones I bought as chicks so she...
  6. reneec1301

    Need advice

    Miss Moe is about 4 -5 rooster is a young one. I got him from a friend
  7. reneec1301

    Need advice

    I just got a young rooster to go with my 5 hens. But one of my hens keeps trying to fight with him and I'm afraid he will hurt her. She is my fav hen. He does not bother the other 4
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