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  1. luvmychix

    A Stupid Egg Suckin' Dog Issue - If it wasn't my daughters dog........

    I never said that i didn't want to take the time or didn't have the time to train her...... I was asking for ideas on how to stop/change the bevavior........ Thanks everyone for ALL your replies..... I have heard some really great ideas on here as well as some not so good ones and will try some...
  2. luvmychix

    A Stupid Egg Suckin' Dog Issue - If it wasn't my daughters dog........

    Quote: Or even a third choice...not let it get near any eggs? Or even a fourth...train it to leave them alone during this egg gathering time, as described in the OP. Now, I'm not against some(not exactly whipping) corporal punishment for major infractions by a grown dog...but whipping...
  3. luvmychix

    A Stupid Egg Suckin' Dog Issue - If it wasn't my daughters dog........

    Quote: Yea, thanks, but as i said before... thats Not gonna happen.... I am not going to SHOOT my 12 year old daughters dog...... That is not fair to her. If i was going to do that i wouldn't waste time on here asking for other people for ideas. sorry.
  4. luvmychix

    A Stupid Egg Suckin' Dog Issue - If it wasn't my daughters dog........

    Quote: well, thats all i need........... Her to get a bunch of hooligan-stealing-egg-sucking friends comming over and eating eggs! What a party that would become!
  5. luvmychix

    A Stupid Egg Suckin' Dog Issue - If it wasn't my daughters dog........

    Quote: Don't think that thought ain't crossed my mind a time or two!..... But, once again.... Daughter's dog..... I would never hear the end of that one!
  6. luvmychix

    A Stupid Egg Suckin' Dog Issue - If it wasn't my daughters dog........

    No, she wouldn't waite for the egg, she would eat..............THE ONLY ANIMAL YOU CAN EAT AFTER IT IS DEAD and BEFORE IT IS BORN............... all at once too!
  7. luvmychix

    A Stupid Egg Suckin' Dog Issue - If it wasn't my daughters dog........

    Quote: Nope. Never! the only eggs i have given my dogs is like left over scrambled eggs or fried eggs or somthing like that from breakfast.... i give all the raw ones to my pig! she loves em' too!
  8. luvmychix

    A Stupid Egg Suckin' Dog Issue - If it wasn't my daughters dog........

    Quote: My hens dont lay that many......... maybe the quail - not the chickens though!
  9. luvmychix

    A Stupid Egg Suckin' Dog Issue - If it wasn't my daughters dog........

    Beekissed you have a way with words, i tell ya!!!
  10. luvmychix

    A Stupid Egg Suckin' Dog Issue - If it wasn't my daughters dog........

    you guys are falling for her sweet looks!!! she likes chickens, you can tell from the 2nd pic. I often wonder if she knows where the eggs realy come from?
  11. luvmychix

    A Stupid Egg Suckin' Dog Issue - If it wasn't my daughters dog........

    Ok, Here's the Sweet & Innocent Egg-Sucker!...... Don't let her looks fool you... she uses them well ~
  12. luvmychix

    A Stupid Egg Suckin' Dog Issue - If it wasn't my daughters dog........

    Quote: I may have too.... I talked to my husband about that........ he says, yes, that will stop her but... I dont want her to not do it because she cant do it but because she shouldnt do it and we said "NO".... that make since to anyone?
  13. luvmychix

    A Stupid Egg Suckin' Dog Issue - If it wasn't my daughters dog........

    The dog gets ENOUGH nutrition...... But, thanks for your advice! Maybe I should go buy the darn thing steak & egg dinners every night!......
  14. luvmychix

    A Stupid Egg Suckin' Dog Issue - If it wasn't my daughters dog........

    All my other dogs know what "no" means and how to sit, stay, down... i can walk them on a leash with only 1 finger! all my dogs know how to mind and do tricks and stuff like that but this dog breaks all the rules! she is so darn bouncy! My daughter named her Pixie but she don't even come to her...
  15. luvmychix

    A Stupid Egg Suckin' Dog Issue - If it wasn't my daughters dog........

    thanks for all the replies! That is a GOOD idea! for some reson i had NOT thought to have a lid for the basket... I think i an going to go to town today and maybe buy like a sewing basket/picnic basket something like that or maybe even an icecream bucket and use the lid with it!... and trust me...
  16. luvmychix

    A Stupid Egg Suckin' Dog Issue - If it wasn't my daughters dog........

    It would be GONE!!! when i go out to gather eggs, i have to put the bucket of eggs down at my feet because i have to use both hands to shut and lock my gate.... EVERY day she does this! I set them down and no matter how fast i am that dog is faster! She swipes a mouth full of eggs and runs like...
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