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  1. lurch1014

    Lurch1014 my coop (The Hillbilly Hutch).

    Their also laying very well now. This morning every nesting box had at least one egg!!
  2. lurch1014

    Lurch1014 my coop (The Hillbilly Hutch).

    everybody out in the new yard expansion. They are very happy and excited!
  3. lurch1014

    Lurch1014 my coop (The Hillbilly Hutch).

    built my own automatic feeder today. Not pretty but functional. They like it. Added a couple bricks in front for the little bantam to stand on lol. She couldn't reach
  4. lurch1014

    Lurch1014 my coop (The Hillbilly Hutch).

    not a problem. I like comments and input. And I like seeing other people's ideas and builds etc.
  5. lurch1014

    Lurch1014 my coop (The Hillbilly Hutch).

    Finally named my coop. "The Hillbilly Hutch." Gonna make a sign to hang on the outside.
  6. lurch1014

    Lurch1014 my coop (The Hillbilly Hutch).

    I agree. And no reason why we can't decorate or dress them up with plants etc. To make the coop look nicer. I've also been planting herbs near by the chickens can eat.
  7. lurch1014

    Lurch1014 my coop (The Hillbilly Hutch).

    front view of original coop section facing the yard to the left is where they now go out into the new section. That window inside closes for cold weather along with the door.
  8. lurch1014

    Lurch1014 my coop (The Hillbilly Hutch).

    Also been planting flowers near it to dress it up a little.
  9. lurch1014

    Lurch1014 my coop (The Hillbilly Hutch).

    The entire coop slash yard/run has a roof over it to keep it all dry. And also shade the birds in the summer. The new yard expansion section has a removable roof so I can remove the roof on nice hot days and when it really needs help drying out.
  10. lurch1014

    Lurch1014 my coop (The Hillbilly Hutch).

    picture of the side of the coop where we enter. New yard expansion is on the far side not shown in this picture. Also will be expanding the house/shelter section soon. Although it is bigger than it looks and has plenty of room for the flock.
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