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  1. cacknballs

    Chicken wire under coop?

    the other thing you could do to keep pets from digging is put an electric livestock wire around the base of the coop. a little jolt would likely fix the problem, but then there's the issue of the birds bumping it...
  2. cacknballs

    Chicken wire under coop?

    i regret putting the aggregate rock on down as a base layer on top of the mesh. and i wish i hadn't put sand in there either. in fact i dug out about 1/3 of the sand before putting the composted leaves/grass clippings in there. instead, i should have put down something big flat...
  3. cacknballs

    Chicken wire under coop?

    to keep tunnelers out i tap-con'ed in some galvanized hardware cloth into the concrete footer, then like mrsteamychicken, piled aggregate on top of that, sand on top of that, and finally finished it off with a very thick layer of composted grass and leaves which i change out once a month. if'n...
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