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  1. Rubysword

    ~ The chicken that wanted to see the world ~ never ending story!

    So, they snuck into an airport and aboard a flight to florida! But as they exited, the airport officials caught sight of them and started chasing them!
  2. Rubysword

    ~ The chicken that wanted to see the world ~ never ending story!

    When suddenly, a shadow swooped down! The ducks(they had surrounded her) scattered, and Rose felt cold talons on her back. She was lifted into the air. Rose was sure she was doomed!
  3. Rubysword

    ~ The chicken that wanted to see the world ~ never ending story!

    Shhhh! They said. We're trying to dig a hole out and escape. Rose looked up at the 2 foot fence she had just hopped over, looked back at the chickens, and sighed. Then, she saw the secret service again! They were looking for her.
  4. Rubysword

    ~ The chicken that wanted to see the world ~ never ending story!

    New York, to tour West Point and see(and eat) the second most expensive grass in America on the parade ground.(next to the white house). The grass wasn't all that great, but the cadets were really nice... All except the one who tripped over her.
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