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  1. ShrekDawg

    How big was your EE's comb when she started laying?

    I think individual birds are just weird, some try to bathe early on, some later then start laying. Idk. Mine were weird maybe lol Lol awww It was hilarious lol especially since the container i was using wasnt really that big
  2. ShrekDawg

    How big was your EE's comb when she started laying?

    Mine started dust bathing as chicks even in the brooder, at like a few weeks old, and even tried to dust bathe in the dust from the grit container when it ran low LOL
  3. ShrekDawg

    How big was your EE's comb when she started laying?

    Ahh okay. Then it might be a little bit longer. Usually when they squat they're getting really close. Mine would just freeze and squat right there, stopped running lol i just put my hand over their backs But of course now almost none of mine squat anymore haha guess they realized I'm not a...
  4. ShrekDawg

    How big was your EE's comb when she started laying?

    One of my EEs was the first to lay! 21 weeks old! A Buff Orpington also started that day. The other birds (another EE, 2 more BOs, 1 Barred Rock, 2 Black Australorps) started laying at various times after that. I think they were all laying by 24 weeks, maybe 26 or 28 at the latest, not really...
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