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  1. NY Chicky

    Chickens Not Laying

    Oh - well maybe that's why the girls are on strike - I have 4 new chickies (they are 9 weeks old) so hopefully I'll get some eggs in the late fall :-/
  2. NY Chicky

    Chickens Not Laying

    Sorry, I didn't mean to offend - but in my much more limited experience with this one Orpington, she was my best layer (better than the Leghorn, often, since the leghorn would stop and take a break every few months). It's been quite a while since the slackers have laid (since February!) so I...
  3. NY Chicky

    Chickens Not Laying

    I don't know about that.... The Orpington is usually an excellent layer - one a day all summer the last two years, and the Americauna usually laid 2-3 eggs a week (the Silkies haven't laid at all, so you're right about that)
  4. NY Chicky

    Chickens Not Laying

    I have five mature hens (2 Silkies, 1 Americauna, 1 Buff Orpington and 1 Leghorn) Only the Leghorn is laying eggs (one a day, faithfully). I cannot figure out why the others aren't laying! The Silkies were the last girls introduced back in October of 2016 and all of the hens are about 3 years...
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