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  1. Chickenkeepr

    NON STOP crowing!

    He keeps his distance and moves away when you move towards him. He will come close for treats and isn't aggressive toward the girls or us or the ducks. That's why he's still around lol
  2. Chickenkeepr

    NON STOP crowing!

    Here's a picture of the culprit
  3. Chickenkeepr

    NON STOP crowing!

    Yes is is young. Hopefully he soon realizes it's absolutely unnecessary as the last 10 minutes he's been crowing at least every 30 seconds..
  4. Chickenkeepr

    NON STOP crowing!

    I've had roosters before and have NEVER had one crow this much. Is it normal? I'm seriously ready to chop his head off
  5. Chickenkeepr

    NON STOP crowing!

    They are our chickens that roam between our two properties (they have about a half acre and sold us 4 1/2)
  6. Chickenkeepr

    NON STOP crowing!

    He did just start crowing like this, he's a late March chick so he is just reaching maturity I think. I have NO problem with a rooster crowing, that's why I decided to keep him and he is a good boy. I DO have a problem with a rooster that literally crows every 2-3 min ALLL day starting at 430am...
  7. Chickenkeepr

    NON STOP crowing!

    I told her she needs to get it ordered today because my arm is getting tired of throwing everything I can find at him.
  8. Chickenkeepr

    NON STOP crowing!

    Nope, we live on the edge of the village and no one I know even has chickens let alone a rooster.
  9. Chickenkeepr

    NON STOP crowing!

    I have one rooster, and 25 hens. He crows NON STOP. I'm talking every 2-3 min his mouth is running. I'm sick of it and I'm ready to kill him at this point. My mother loves him though so I told her she needs to get a no-crow collar for him. Do they work? Is there anything else I can do to shut...
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