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  1. Kristen D

    Electric poultry netting/fencing?

    Ducks are incredibly smart. I was quite shocked at their intelligence when I first hit my ducks :)
  2. Kristen D

    Electric poultry netting/fencing?

    That's what I was originally thinking that if a fox got a good zap (or coyote, etc) that they would just leave...hopefully lol
  3. Kristen D

    Electric poultry netting/fencing?

    I've never seen stray dogs around my house, or anywhere really. Hopefully I don't because I wouldn't trust a stray dog around my children either. We do have all the other predators though. I'm trying to plan out what I want to do. It's so hard designing!
  4. Kristen D

    Electric poultry netting/fencing?

    Oh man a fox can jump right over it? So what does it deter then? Just raccoons?
  5. Kristen D

    Electric poultry netting/fencing?

    That sounds awesome! Good idea on the fence alarms.
  6. Kristen D

    Electric poultry netting/fencing?

    I'm also very interested in using it as a movable fence to have the chickens till, and fertilize areas I want to put gardens in.
  7. Kristen D

    Electric poultry netting/fencing?

    Thanks! I've also considered putting it around my barn for that very reason. I would turn it on during the night while they're in the barn. I just want to make sure it won't hurt my chickens.
  8. Kristen D

    Electric poultry netting/fencing?

    Thanks! We have foxes, coyotes, raccoons, and hawks around here so it would be dual purpose definitely. That's why if I'm containing them I'd want protection for them as well.
  9. Kristen D

    Electric poultry netting/fencing?

    Right now my chickens live in a barn and free range from 7am until just before dark. I have turkeys that are major bullies and I'd like to possibly keep them contained, as well as use the chickens to till up my spring garden beds. Basically, the turkeys and chickens contained when I need them to...
  10. Kristen D

    Electric poultry netting/fencing?

    I was wondering about the advantages/disadvantages of electric poultry fencing? I assume the poultry will get electrocuted at some point? Any experiences or opinions please?
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