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  1. Summer_Dawn

    Off with his head???

    Thanks everyone. My daughter was really upset at the thought of getting rid of him as if it was her fault. But after I told her that the he could seriously injure our 15 lb terrier mix (especially once he gets his spurs), she was pretty ok with it!
  2. Summer_Dawn

    Off with his head??? both confirmed my thoughts. We aren't planning on hatching chicks so we don't need him for breeding purposes, mostly just keeping him for protection since we're out in the country. But if the lead hen will take over, I think I'm ok with axing him. We're chicken newbies and I am...
  3. Summer_Dawn

    Off with his head???

    So, our current situation: we picked up 10 chicks in May (straight run) and ended up for 4 roosters. We had 2 who were being aggressive with the ladies (keeping them up in a tree all day, not letting them eat, etc.) so those 2 met their demise over the weekend... We had high hopes for our...
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