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  1. EggSighted4Life

    Another option to sand or pine shavings...

    My LFS uses rice hulls when they have chicks. They come in bags similar to shavings. I tried them with my ducks. They were interesting. I wouldn't call them less dusty or messy. And not sure about their other qualities. But for ducks, I might prefer them. Agreed, sounds like pricey hay. :)
  2. EggSighted4Life

    Another option to sand or pine shavings...

    You are correct... things were MUCH different when I lived in the desert verses now the rain forest. :)
  3. EggSighted4Life

    Another option to sand or pine shavings...

    I don't do DL yet. But the hemp "lasting" that long, to me would mean it isn't breaking down and becoming usable in my garden. Hay molds pretty fast and breaks down pretty slow already. I would expect the same issues with hemp that I get with straw. Unless it was cut down into a couple inches...
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