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  1. EggSighted4Life

    22% Mash for Winter?

    Hi, welcome to BYC! :frow Sorry, fat has calories but NOT nutrients. So it will fill them up but it won't benefit their laying and may actually hinder it. That's why not. So you should NOT be giving your treats at a level more than 10% of their total intake. Of course, I see you do say...
  2. EggSighted4Life

    22% Mash for Winter?

    Body heat is regulated by internal mechanisms... a calorie is a calorie is a calorie! Both carbs and protein contain 4 calories/gram. I would like to agree that protein burns longer... but that's not what the calorie content say. :confused: Fat has 9 calories per gram. In theory the fat provides...
  3. EggSighted4Life

    22% Mash for Winter?

    It's true, they aren't pumping out eggs... but they are indeed still growing in feathers (usually). I feed the same year round. But there might actually be more protein available on my pasture IN winter. Say because that's when worms are around. Every situation may be different... we don't...
  4. EggSighted4Life

    22% Mash for Winter?

    Hi, welcome to BYC! :frow 22% might be little high for white leghorn type breeds. But for dual purpose like rocks and such, I think it's fine if that's what you are comfortable feeding. Making sure oyster shell is available for you layers, it MAY help any molting hen grow her feathers back in a...
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