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  1. bergy

    Swollen Duck ankle infection or break.... Help!

    So late on the update but my duck ended up being perfectly fine! All treatments worked wonders. She limped for a month or so. Today you can't even tell anything was wrong. There is still a lump (looks slightly swollen) on her ankle but nothing else. So glad I didn't Cull her. Thanks for the help...
  2. bergy

    Swollen Duck ankle infection or break.... Help!

    I guess I'm feeling it's infection also, that I didn't get Update... We've had 4 days of penicillin injections, tonight is the last injection. I've been doing es soaks and putting the clear iodine drops on the bumble. Last night the swollen area was not hot for the first time. Today it seems...
  3. bergy

    Swollen Duck ankle infection or break.... Help!

    He felt her legs and checked them over, said the heat was a sign of infection to him. He admitted he never dealt with bumble foot (only dealt with cats/dogs) so wasn't too sure about all that. I explained everything to him, what I've been doing and how I'm not sure which it is break or...
  4. bergy

    Swollen Duck ankle infection or break.... Help!

    I did a lot of reading last night about this. I called on an old friend of mine (retired vet (cats/dogs) he came out and looked at her. He feels it's infection and not broke. He showed me how to do the injection. I feel so much better. Thank you all for the replies and advice!! Starting...
  5. bergy

    Swollen Duck ankle infection or break.... Help!

    I checked her over this morning, they are bumps and sort of firm. The circular spot on the back of her ankle is a spot of some sort. It's not washing off and when I touch it it almost changes color then goes back. Like when you push on your skin and it turns white then back to pink. I soaked her...
  6. bergy

    Swollen Duck ankle infection or break.... Help!

    I'm too nervous to do it. I've read about it. I've also read antibiotics in water do little. Where would the injection go, leg or breast?
  7. bergy

    Swollen Duck ankle infection or break.... Help!

    How often do I apply the iodine? Every 3 days? Do I still do es compress ea day? Then when it scabs do I squeeze the infection out or.....? Thank you again for your advice!!
  8. bergy

    Swollen Duck ankle infection or break.... Help!

    I'm going to do the clear iodine.
  9. bergy

    Swollen Duck ankle infection or break.... Help!

    I sure will. I've been doing Epsom salt compress so she can't drink it. Thank you so much!
  10. bergy

    Swollen Duck ankle infection or break.... Help!

    Also I hate to cut it open due to the swelling being rather separate from the bumble. I'm scarred to do "surgery".
  11. bergy

    Swollen Duck ankle infection or break.... Help!

    I've been keeping her separate on clean bedding (cage inside the duck house, so she can see her pals). I'm picking up the clear iodine now.
  12. bergy

    Swollen Duck ankle infection or break.... Help!

    I've been reading about the clear iodine. So do I put it on the bumble spot, wrap and let sit? I've read it takes a few days. She walked from her pen to her pals by the pool this morning, limping but she did it. That's about 20 feet. She's in good spirits also. Hate to Cull I guess quite yet.
  13. bergy

    Swollen Duck ankle infection or break.... Help!

    I almost culled earlier this week. But want to try all options first. She had no limping or any sign of trouble until last Friday. She basically went from perfect to serious limp. Another reason I'm wondering if it's broken.
  14. bergy

    Swollen Duck ankle infection or break.... Help!

    Lol yes, I put them in her water with ACV.
  15. bergy

    Swollen Duck ankle infection or break.... Help!

    Yes that's one fear I have is that I didn't get the bumble out and infection has spread. When I touch the bumble it's soft. The swollen area is a touch squishy but mostly firm.
  16. bergy

    Swollen Duck ankle infection or break.... Help!

    Here is a variety of pictures of my ducks foot. The bumble is soft and does not feel like a corn is in it. She is laying eggs, eating and drinking and today I let her out with her pals and she climbed into the pool. I let her swim and now she's inside warming up.
  17. bergy

    Swollen Duck ankle infection or break.... Help!

    Yes she is in now so I'll be able to do that. Thank you.
  18. bergy

    Swollen Duck ankle infection or break.... Help!

    My Pekin duck has something wrong with her ankle. Last Friday (one week and a day) I came home and she was holding her leg up. I picked her up and saw she had a small bumble foot, I have been applying Epsom salt compress 2x a day (when able), letting her swim/soak in a warm bath 1x day, spraying...
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