Swollen Duck ankle infection or break.... Help!

He felt her legs and checked them over, said the heat was a sign of infection to him. He admitted he never dealt with bumble foot (only dealt with cats/dogs) so wasn't too sure about all that. I explained everything to him, what I've been doing and how I'm not sure which it is break or infection. He asked me to let her down so he could see her move. She began limping to her pals and he said "she's putting to much pressure on that foot for it to be broken". He said to get some antibiotics right away, that that's what he'd do and give it a week. So..... That's what I'm going to do. He showed me how to give the injection, this was my biggest fear!
I guess I'm feeling it's infection also, that I didn't get
Fingers crossed it will begin to heal...Fantastic the Vet came to see the Duck...
Best wishes....
Update... We've had 4 days of penicillin injections, tonight is the last injection. I've been doing es soaks and putting the clear iodine drops on the bumble. Last night the swollen area was not hot for the first time. Today it seems the swelling has gone down some. I'm going to give her the final injection tonight. Then soak every other day for 5 days. We will see. She is in great spirits and still laying eggs (they are being tossed due to the meds).
I guess I'm feeling it's infection also, that I didn't get

Update... We've had 4 days of penicillin injections, tonight is the last injection. I've been doing es soaks and putting the clear iodine drops on the bumble. Last night the swollen area was not hot for the first time. Today it seems the swelling has gone down some. I'm going to give her the final injection tonight. Then soak every other day for 5 days. We will see. She is in great spirits and still laying eggs (they are being tossed due to the meds).
Awesome job Bergy!! So glad for your girl's good spirits.:wee
Update... We've had 4 days of penicillin injections, tonight is the last injection. I've been doing es soaks and putting the clear iodine drops on the bumble. Last night the swollen area was not hot for the first time. Today it seems the swelling has gone down some. I'm going to give her the final injection tonight. Then soak every other day for 5 days. We will see. She is in great spirits and still laying eggs (they are being tossed due to the meds).
Great news!! Please keep us updated!
So late on the update but my duck ended up being perfectly fine! All treatments worked wonders. She limped for a month or so. Today you can't even tell anything was wrong. There is still a lump (looks slightly swollen) on her ankle but nothing else. So glad I didn't Cull her. Thanks for the help and support!!
Any chance you could go to my post about my duck's ankle to see what you think? We've all thought it was an injury. I never saw any sign of bumblefoot, only the swollen and bruised ankle, but it looks a lot like yours, I think. But I was just keeping her confined for a while before I started handling her regularly, but I wouldn't think the initial bumblefoot on the bottom would go away on its own. I'm struggling to figure out what's going on, why it seems to be getting worse rather than healing, yet she's eating and drinking fine and laying an occasional egg (its winter and cold, so the others are not laying well either).

Here's the link to my post and all the details - https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/any-idea-what-is-wrong-with-my-ducks-leg.1340585/
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