Swollen Duck ankle infection or break.... Help!


6 Years
May 30, 2013
My Pekin duck has something wrong with her ankle. Last Friday (one week and a day) I came home and she was holding her leg up. I picked her up and saw she had a small bumble foot, I have been applying Epsom salt compress 2x a day (when able), letting her swim/soak in a warm bath 1x day, spraying foot with theracyn and wrapping with vet wrap 2x day. The black scab on bumble peeled off easily but nothing came out (puss or corn) and it is not hard. I don't know if her ankle is swollen with infection or if her ankle has been broken. The Friday I found her I also saw my Roo hop on her, so I'm wondering if he injured her. We do not have a duck vet in the area and I don't know what to do. Any advice? I've been searching here for a similar situation but again I don't know if it's infection or a break. The swollen area seems to be getting worse not better. It is warm to the touch.
Penicillin would go in the breast.
I did a lot of reading last night about this.
All avian muscle injections are given in the breast, never the leg or thigh.
I called on an old friend of mine (retired vet (cats/dogs) he came out and looked at her. He feels it's infection and not broke. He showed me how to do the injection. I feel so much better. Thank you all for the replies and advice!! Starting penicillin as soon as it's room temp. I'll keep you all posted. Thank you all again!!!
I'm so glad you have a vet to consult with to help guide your decisions. I just wonder what determines infection over a fracture or sprain. Did he narrate his observation and diagnosis?
He felt her legs and checked them over, said the heat was a sign of infection to him. He admitted he never dealt with bumble foot (only dealt with cats/dogs) so wasn't too sure about all that. I explained everything to him, what I've been doing and how I'm not sure which it is break or infection. He asked me to let her down so he could see her move. She began limping to her pals and he said "she's putting to much pressure on that foot for it to be broken". He said to get some antibiotics right away, that that's what he'd do and give it a week. So..... That's what I'm going to do. He showed me how to give the injection, this was my biggest fear!
So late on the update but my duck ended up being perfectly fine! All treatments worked wonders. She limped for a month or so. Today you can't even tell anything was wrong. There is still a lump (looks slightly swollen) on her ankle but nothing else. So glad I didn't Cull her. Thanks for the help and support!!
I almost culled earlier this week. But want to try all options first. She had no limping or any sign of trouble until last Friday. She basically went from perfect to serious limp. Another reason I'm wondering if it's broken.
it could be broken, but i think i dont think so
epsom salt soaks are a great idea, they will help to draw out infection, reduce swelling and relieve some pain
i wonder if there is a thorn or something stuck in her foot, the clear iodine will also soak in and pull out infection/thorn/whatever is causing the bumble

***warning** epsom salt should not be consumed :sick ducks poop enough as it is

please keep us updated
Definitely looks swollen, but if she us walking on it, I would guess she just bruised it. The Epsom salt baths should help. The little bumble spot looks like maybe she stepped on something. But maybe it got infected and is spreading? I'm not really sure.

@DwayneNLiz @casportpony @chickens really any ideas?
Separate her to a dog crate or small pen...Lots of people wrap the foot although lots keep them on clean bedding without wrap..Anyways the clear iodine yes is put on the bumble scab...It draws up the infection and then as it scabs you soak the foot in Epsom salt and slowly remove the infection..Others are do harsh treatment and dig into the foot to pull out the core of infection...Yikes...
I've been keeping her separate on clean bedding (cage inside the duck house, so she can see her pals). I'm picking up the clear iodine now.

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