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  1. PedsNurseSC

    HELP! My chicken ate...

    Those chickens sure are SNEAKY, and FAST!!!
  2. PedsNurseSC

    HELP! My chicken ate...

    Thank you SO MUCH!! Y'all are the BEST!! I love knowing there's other chicken parents out there just a post away!!
  3. PedsNurseSC

    HELP! My chicken ate...

    THANK YOU!!! These gals are CRAZY!! She totally did a "drive-by", one swoop and I swear she was waddling away at 90mph!!! That fluffy butt was GONE! Daytona 500 style!
  4. PedsNurseSC

    HELP! My chicken ate...

    The trials and tribulations of being a chicken parent!! LMBO:lau
  5. PedsNurseSC

    HELP! My chicken ate...

    Nugget is soooo SASSY!! She is the diva of the flock. My gals are so sweet and even like lap cuddles! I couldn't handle it if something would happen to her! I had NO IDEA a chicken could move so fast!! She had me fooled, I think she planned it!! LMBO
  6. PedsNurseSC

    HELP! My chicken ate...

    Just being nosey, from one chicken parent to another... What have your chickens ate in the past? I felt like a terrible chicken mama, but Nugget took of with that wrapper and she was GONE!! It was like she was running for a TD at the Super Bowl! LMBO
  7. PedsNurseSC

    HELP! My chicken ate...

    Thank you for sharing that with me!! I feel a little better! I swear she grabbed that ring and RAN as fast as she could!!
  8. PedsNurseSC

    HELP! My chicken ate...

    I appreciate all the help I can get from EVERYONE!! Y'all are AWESOME!
  9. PedsNurseSC

    HELP! My chicken ate...

    The poop queen has had normal poops! Just no bologna ring!:barnie
  10. PedsNurseSC

    HELP! My chicken ate...

    Hey there!! My girls and I were enjoying a DELICIOUS bologna snack when one VERY quickly stole the red, plastic ring right off of my lap and ran as fast as she could to eat the dang thing!! I almost heard her singing "you can't catch me, nana boo boo!!" LMBO! They do have cracked oyster shell...
  11. PedsNurseSC

    HELP! My chicken ate...

    Help!! My chicken ate the plastic ring off of a bologna slice two weeks ago and has yet to pass it! I know it is stuck in her crop since she swallowed it with lightning speed!! :tongue I have been so worried!! Any help is GREATLY appreciated!
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