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  1. ChickenGirl555

    First Winter - Bought vaseline

    Yeah, my nesting box and coop color is insulated and I only have 1 cockerel that might get frostbite so when it gets under 20F I'll put it on him to be safe, since he's still pretty young but has a LARGE comb.
  2. ChickenGirl555

    First Winter - Bought vaseline

    Ok, I have good 24/7 ventilation, and so far everybody is happy!
  3. ChickenGirl555

    First Winter - Bought vaseline

    If you've never been to Wisconsin during winter, it's pretty cold. Starting to be 10F - 20F everyday. I did a good amount of research before I even had my chickens, and learned about the 'magic' of Vaseline! I don't know where/how to apply it, I just researched it is good to prevent...
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