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  1. STxChickenman

    Building a chicken coop/run

    Pics of the near-finished coop/run. The only thing left to do is to nail down the roofing in a few places that I couldn't reach. I'm going to get help from someone that is lighter weighted than I am.
  2. STxChickenman

    Building a chicken coop/run

    For the learning purposes of others building coops....I came up with an idea that resulted from a mistake in the build. One night when I was putting down roofing sheets I got to the last sheet before dark and thought I could nail the front edge of the sheet and finish the rest of the nailing of...
  3. STxChickenman

    Building a chicken coop/run

    Latest on the Chicken Coop I can almost say that I'm finished with the frickin chickin coop, (it's going on three months since I started). I have to paint bottom boards that secure the hardware cloth, the posts and door and nail down a front row of half sheets of roofing to square her up. This...
  4. STxChickenman

    Building a chicken coop/run

    Thanks! I have to say that I probably would have built a simple chicken coop and not as nice as what I built without lurking around this forum. The coops that many people have built are outstanding and I wanted to follow suit and build something to be proud of. I have a mental picture of...
  5. STxChickenman

    Building a chicken coop/run

    Yes, I was thinking about a perch....but didn't have an idea about the size. Thanks for the recommendation....I'll devise something and add it on. I also need to paint it whenever I get around to painting the coop. I missed an even funnier photo op....the rooster was the first one to fly...
  6. STxChickenman

    Building a chicken coop/run

    I finished up a set of nest boxes for my chickens. They are so funny....this picture was taken just a couple of minutes after I finished putting it together in the coop...
  7. STxChickenman

    Building a chicken coop/run

    They are actually good with me in there. They all seem to come close to me to nip at my feet and just hang out with me....(that is with the exception of the rooster). He looks like he thinks about attacking my legs but when I stand off against him he backs down. He knows that I'll rough him...
  8. STxChickenman

    Building a chicken coop/run

    Also, I added four of the young hens into the mix hoping that the big chickens would not kill them. They pecked at them a few times and then left them alone. It's now one rooster and eight hens in there....there's so much room (compared to what they had before) that I do not think that they...
  9. STxChickenman

    Building a chicken coop/run

    Actually I just put out some patches of hay for now until I get the laying boxes built which I should complete either today or tomorrow (I hope). The eggs that they laid were on the ground. Right after I put them in their new home they commenced scratching the ground, flying around and all...
  10. STxChickenman

    Building a chicken coop/run

    I finished the roosts, waterer and feeder this morning so I finally reached that point where I could move the chickens into their new coop. They love it and rewarded me with two eggs within an hour of being in there.
  11. STxChickenman

    Building a chicken coop/run

    I forgot to mention....the nice thing about notching the side boards and setting the roost boards in the notched side boards is that it makes it easy to just lift them out of the side boards so that you can shovel their waste every now and then. I might end up getting a rubber mat to place...
  12. STxChickenman

    Building a chicken coop/run

    I was able to get the roosts built for the chickens today. I also got the waterer and feeder near I'll post those pictures later. But here are pics of the roosts. I used 2 x 4's for each roost and I routered the corners off of the 2x4's where the chickens will's...
  13. STxChickenman

    Building a chicken coop/run

    They're in cages in my garage.
  14. STxChickenman

    Building a chicken coop/run my case the chickens came second (right after the cage but before the coop). Yeah...I can always make adjustments to change the circulation as needed. You are absolutely right though, I need to figure out how to make changes in ventilation an easy process. I have 12 Bresse chickens...
  15. STxChickenman

    Building a chicken coop/run

    Are they ever really finished? Great Yeah....I am still trying to figure out ventilation. The coop has an open door (32 inches wide) and I purposefully left off a window on the Southeast side of the coop, (the opposite side of the last picture). That is the direction of the...
  16. STxChickenman

    Building a chicken coop/run

    I have been working on the chicken coop project for about 2 1/2 months now....but I am finally seeing light at the end of the tunnel. A little more trim work, a paint job, some egg laying boxes and roosts are all that I lack before I can call this a finished project. Almost finished!!!!
  17. STxChickenman

    Building a chicken coop/run

    Here are some updated pics of the chicken coop/run build. I still have a ways to go but it's coming together. Once I get everything trimmed out, painted and finished it is going to look very nice. This has been a much bigger project than I anticipated....but I love the process and the...
  18. STxChickenman

    Building a chicken coop/run

    Here is the latest pic on the chicken coop/chicken run build. I got the trenches dug all of the way around the coop and placed about an 8 inch strip of the galvanize dipped PVC coated hardware cloth into the trenches as well as Hardie boards at the same depth all of the way around (in order to...
  19. STxChickenman

    Building a chicken coop/run

    DE is also good for fire ants. They are a HUGE PITA!
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