Building a chicken coop/run

Also, I added four of the young hens into the mix hoping that the big chickens would not kill them. They pecked at them a few times and then left them alone. It's now one rooster and eight hens in there....there's so much room (compared to what they had before) that I do not think that they are going to fight the little ones anymore.
Being in adjacent cages for weeks/months,
then all going into new coop at same time is a good integration strategy.
Good also to still be working on finishing up coop with them in there,
they'll get used to you being in their space.
They are actually good with me in there. They all seem to come close to me to nip at my feet and just hang out with me....(that is with the exception of the rooster). He looks like he thinks about attacking my legs but when I stand off against him he backs down. He knows that I'll rough him up if he attacks. It's just something you have to do with these overly-aggressive roosters to garner their respect. Thanks for all of your tips and's been a long drawn out process and I still have quite a ways to go.
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I finished up a set of nest boxes for my chickens. They are so funny....this picture was taken just a couple of minutes after I finished putting it together in the coop...
Hens in Nesting boxesJPG.JPG
That's a great pic!
Looks like they had no problem getting in there,
but I would suggest a perch about 8" out in front of bottom of nest openings. more thing to 'build'. :rolleyes:
That's a great pic!
Looks like they had no problem getting in there,
but I would suggest a perch about 8" out in front of bottom of nest openings. more thing to 'build'. :rolleyes:
Yes, I was thinking about a perch....but didn't have an idea about the size. Thanks for the recommendation....I'll devise something and add it on. I also need to paint it whenever I get around to painting the coop.

I missed an even funnier photo op....the rooster was the first one to fly into a nest box to check it
I missed an even funnier photo op....the rooster was the first one to fly into a nest box to check it
I've seen that one here, with my first flock bought as adults,
cockbird sat in nest for a good 30 minutes talking to the girls.
BTW that 2x2 perch was changed out to a 2x4,
the big bumbler brahmas had a hard time navigating it.
Awesome coop and run. Very well done!

I have to say that I probably would have built a simple chicken coop and not as nice as what I built without lurking around this forum. The coops that many people have built are outstanding and I wanted to follow suit and build something to be proud of. I have a mental picture of the finished product and can't wait to finish. I still have some things to do and should get to the final step in my plan (painting the coop) sometime soon. I hope the weather cooperates with me.
Latest on the Chicken Coop
I can almost say that I'm finished with the frickin chickin coop, (it's going on three months since I started). I have to paint bottom boards that secure the hardware cloth, the posts and door and nail down a front row of half sheets of roofing to square her up. This is going on three months as a project and has been fun watching it go up.

I tried to match the colors of the coop with my garage. It is actually a bit bright on the off-white color that I picked but it looks fine next to the garage, which is not seen in this picture.
Chicken coop next to last pic.jpg

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