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  1. speckledhen


    That's a lot of force in the landing for a big guy like that, so could be all it is. Will just take time, if so. Give him a couple of baby aspirin every couple of days for a week and see if that helps. Oh, @Barbara Jarrett, the Brahma chicks are sold as of a few minutes ago, but I still have...
  2. speckledhen


    Sometimes, it's no more than he hurt his hock joint making a sudden turn, or jumped down and landed wrong. I'd palpate the hock joint and watch his face for any tenderness. I had a Delaware rooster with severe arthritis in his hocks, especially on one side and he limped quite a lot, had bad...
  3. speckledhen


    Hi, Barbara, welcome to BYC. I have a Barred Rock pair for sale, plus an extra male, but not just pullets. They are going on 7 weeks old now. I'm letting the buyer pick which male he/she wants to go with the pullet if both males are still here by that time. And I'll have 8 Partridge Brahma...
  4. speckledhen


    Haven't been around in awhile, been pretty busy, doing projects, making more work for myself. If someone wants a good breeding pair, I have a Barred Plymouth Rock pair, just over 4 weeks old, unrelated to each other (I'm about 95% positive on that), but both from heritage lines, for $10, plus...
  5. speckledhen


    Of course, a machine you pay good money for should work perfectly. Go get 'em!
  6. speckledhen


    Can't help you with the Brinsea. I have only used a Hovabator and marked days on the calendar next to my desk. Worry free isn't so much, apparently! Hope you can figure out why it malfunctioned.
  7. speckledhen


    I've stopped turning at the end of Day 17 or at the end of Day 18/ beginning of Day 19, didn't make a difference.
  8. speckledhen


    First of all, I'm sorry you lost her. But, one thing you will learn is that chickens hide illness quite well. Even we who have been keepers/breeders for many years can miss little signs. They can be very subtle. Chickens being prey animals hide weakness until they are very, very ill. Just keep...
  9. speckledhen


    I do the same thing, everything is something to do with chickens! We have the same disease, I suppose.
  10. speckledhen


    @missy1971 I forgot to answer what I quoted, sorry! Doing too many things at once, I guess. There are no such birds as "Giant Brahmas", except that Brahmas and Jersey Giants are supposed to be the two largest breeds in the U.S. So, all Brahmas are giants, or they're supposed to be. Bash is about...
  11. speckledhen


    The powdered is 20% solution. Usually, I think it calls for a teaspoon in a gallon waterer since it is twice as strong as the liquid, however, I put 1 1/2 -2 teaspoons in a full gallon waterer if I'm treating. You don't have to quarantine any chicks for cocci. They'd all get the Corid, can't...
  12. speckledhen


    I just want to say that medicated starter won't prevent cocci, no matter what they say about it. In the soupy south, we battle it anyway. Not saying it is cocci, of course, but I quit using medicated when I realized it was useless and just keep Corid for when it's needed. I am sure that a...
  13. speckledhen


    I don't use Greek yogurt because it's too expensive. I barely buy that for myself because it's almost twice as much as the other kind. I use the cheapest plain active culture yogurt I can find. I get the big tubs of Great Value at Walmart. It's not the same as giving milk to chickens..and for...
  14. speckledhen


    Just make sure their coop is predator-proof, windows and all openings, even small ones, are covered with a stiff wire like hardware cloth, no more than a 1/2" opening in the wire. In summer, I have pine shavings in the nests. In winter, I have a combination of hay and pine shavings, always...
  15. speckledhen


    I keep forgetting to change the time format when I'm out there. Will have to check the times on the other shots we got and see if they match up. ETA: nope, came at a completely different time the first time.
  16. speckledhen


    @Flowerbh So sorry about your hen. This guy is still hanging around here. Hope it stays away during the day, but they have kits now so who knows.
  17. speckledhen


    Ha, never let it be said that I hide my light under a bushel!
  18. speckledhen


    Well, I do my part to steer folks away from birds that are stupidly overpriced. I mean, whatever it is, it's still a chicken, right? Those boutique hatcheries are often not what their slick websites imply they are. They promote fads, plain and simple.But, then, as far as the SOP, hatcheries...
  19. speckledhen


    Some folks always feed a grower feed and supplement with calcium because they only have to keep one feed on hand and everyone can have it. I've always done the starter/grower combination feed until they go on layer feed. Some eat their supplemental calcium well and some don't touch it much so...
  20. speckledhen


    Nope. I don't join anything, especially to do with poultry. It's a miracle I'm part of BYC, LOL. Not a joiner here.
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