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  1. Dawnclucks22

    Hiding From Sunlight - A Dystopian Role-Play

    (Where are we? Sorry, I've been busy :oops:)
  2. Dawnclucks22

    Hiding From Sunlight - A Dystopian Role-Play

    (ok haha) Cyrus existed.
  3. Dawnclucks22

    Hiding From Sunlight - A Dystopian Role-Play

    (What's going on so far?)
  4. Dawnclucks22

    Hiding From Sunlight - A Dystopian Role-Play

    ( @HoodedHuntress I have a revolutionary charry if you need her)
  5. Dawnclucks22

    Hiding From Sunlight - A Dystopian Role-Play

    Cyrus sighed with relief and headed off with the others.
  6. Dawnclucks22

    Hiding From Sunlight - A Dystopian Role-Play

    (It's her character. It's all in good rp fun. No worries!) Cyrus flinched.
  7. Dawnclucks22

    Hiding From Sunlight - A Dystopian Role-Play

    (That's fine. I'm still getting used to male characters :p) "No," he replied a bit too quickly without eye contact.
  8. Dawnclucks22

    Hiding From Sunlight - A Dystopian Role-Play

    Cyrus hated needles. They reminded him of the horrible experiments so many of them had been exposed to. He was careful not to show it, though, as he went on with his work.
  9. Dawnclucks22

    Hiding From Sunlight - A Dystopian Role-Play

    Cyrus snort-laughed at Billie's reaction but quickly smothered it.
  10. Dawnclucks22

    Hiding From Sunlight - A Dystopian Role-Play

    Cyrus thought he saw Squid glance at him and tried his best not to make eye contact.
  11. Dawnclucks22

    Hiding From Sunlight - A Dystopian Role-Play

    "What? Oh, right." Cyrus, unlike the others, was quite forgetful of the rules. He caused the most trouble of all those in the warehouse. (Unless anyone else wants to fight me. Jk. We can talk it out haha)
  12. Dawnclucks22

    Hiding From Sunlight - A Dystopian Role-Play

    Cyrus began to sort spare parts.
  13. Dawnclucks22

    Hiding From Sunlight - A Dystopian Role-Play

    (Totally forgot they literally can't anyway)
  14. Dawnclucks22

    Hiding From Sunlight - A Dystopian Role-Play

    (Okiedoke, I'll just pretend it's in an attached building and edit to clarify if that's alright)
  15. Dawnclucks22

    Hiding From Sunlight - A Dystopian Role-Play

    (I can imagine. Maybe it'll give him a good laugh. :lol:) "You can go to the warehouse now," the guard told him gruffly. Cyrus said nothing but turned to the door of the huge smoky building behind him, running inside to where the other children were.
  16. Dawnclucks22

    Hiding From Sunlight - A Dystopian Role-Play

    Cyrus shovelled some rock piles while a guard looked on.
  17. Dawnclucks22

    Hiding From Sunlight - A Dystopian Role-Play

    Wait, really? I based him off a character in my own sci-fi novel... weird...
  18. Dawnclucks22

    Hiding From Sunlight - A Dystopian Role-Play

    My rabbit hopped into our shed and made a nest of clothes under a broken door. I like forts too.
  19. Dawnclucks22

    Hiding From Sunlight - A Dystopian Role-Play

    (Looks like there aren't many male charries, may as well) Name: Cyrus Gender: M Age: roughly 14, but isn't sure. Description: Brown hair that never behaves and blue eyes that sometimes look grey. His left eye sees like a thermal camera and he can see living people before they're within normal...
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