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  1. The Farmers' Daughter

    Rooster Flock Thread

    Yup. They were all Buckeyes. And yeah, I definitely did not use them for breeding.
  2. The Farmers' Daughter

    Rooster Flock Thread

    Hi all. It's been a while. My roo flock did great over the winter, but come spring they all turned on each other (most likely randy). I tossed them out and let them free range. They still managed to kill each other. Only had 4 out of 15 by the end of the summer. This winter I won't have a...
  3. The Farmers' Daughter

    Rooster Flock Thread

    Yup. A friend of mine took him. The the next guy in the pecking order picked up where the original bully left off.
  4. The Farmers' Daughter

    Rooster Flock Thread

    As soon as spring hit my guys started turning on each other. A couple died, one actually had the whole top of his head pecked out. He's fine other than the top of his head oddly mishaped now. I moved them to a bigger area with lots of fresh grass but they kept at it. They're running loose...
  5. The Farmers' Daughter

    Rooster Flock Thread

    :love Gorgeous
  6. The Farmers' Daughter

    Rooster Flock Thread

    This coop wasn't big enough, and the -35 temps were keeping them all inside. I did not intend to have as large a roo flock as i do but temps changed too early last fall and i was unable to process any. Right now I've got 13 boys in one coop & 3 more in with the girls.
  7. The Farmers' Daughter

    Rooster Flock Thread

    I did, and it didn't go well. Mind you, I only added one. He only survived about 2 weeks :(
  8. The Farmers' Daughter

    Rooster Flock Thread

    Where are you that you have such green grass this time of the year? The southern hemisphere? Gorgeous bunch of boys!
  9. The Farmers' Daughter

    Rooster Flock Thread
  10. The Farmers' Daughter

    Rooster Flock Thread

    I've got 14 buckeye cockerels, 3 buckeye/silkie cockerels and 1 buckeye roo. Daddy is #1, but a couple of his boys are quickly becoming his equal.
  11. The Farmers' Daughter

    Rooster Flock Thread

    Isn't it? I just sit with them and almost kind of zone out. I don't even realize that I've been sitting there for hours. These 2 are so sweet. Buckeye x silkie. They're low down on the pecking order, but the boys don't seem to have as defined pecking order as the girls do.
  12. The Farmers' Daughter

    Rooster Flock Thread

    Having a roo flock is working out amazingly well! Girls are so laid back, as are the boys. Crowing has reduced in frequency even. :)
  13. The Farmers' Daughter

    Rooster Flock Thread

    I lost 2 of my 3 roos recently, which left me with 1 and several young cockrels. I've moved them to a separate coop and run and so far everything is going perfectly. That may change as the boys get a bit older, but for now it's great.
  14. The Farmers' Daughter

    Rooster Flock Thread

    I had to put mine back with the girls. Had to put an injured roo where he was. After a day he's starting to vet overprotective already. So personally, I'd say at least a few more weeks at least.
  15. The Farmers' Daughter

    Rooster Flock Thread

    My buckeye hens used to look like that. That actually inspired me to get a roo. My ex battery leghorns were picking the crap out of the poor girls. Mr. Roo stopped that pretty darn quick.
  16. The Farmers' Daughter

    Rooster Flock Thread

    He's sulking for sure. Once I know that he knows where his new home is I'll let him free range a bit. That might help him lighten his mood a bit.
  17. The Farmers' Daughter

    Rooster Flock Thread

    I also have a buckeye roo about 16 months.
  18. The Farmers' Daughter

    Rooster Flock Thread

    One is about 16 months, the other 18 months.
  19. The Farmers' Daughter

    Rooster Flock Thread

  20. The Farmers' Daughter

    Rooster Flock Thread

    I've kind of got a similar situation here. One of my roos was getting way too overprotective of his girls (and the chicks in the brooding pen), and bit me 2 too many times. He's now in a time out. I'm hoping that he'll have to re-establish himself within the flock after a few weeks, and his...
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