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  1. Harmony Fowl

    St Patrick Day Hatchalong!

    The arrows point to one another. When an egg is O side up, I turn it to the right. When X is up, I turn it to the left. So the egg is turned opposite ways each time, first 180 degrees in one direction, then back to its original position. This may be complete nonsense, I rarely see it...
  2. Harmony Fowl

    St Patrick Day Hatchalong!

    Fun stuff! Good luck! I just reset mine yesterday with 24. This is my first hatch all from my own flock. Obviously my cream- and tan-layers are quite a bit more reliable than my blue-layers!
  3. Harmony Fowl

    St Patrick Day Hatchalong!

    Well, I must have done something right this time. A little after day 20 started, the first chick made it out. Over pretty much exactly 24 hours ALL 15 hatched! I did assist one who seemed to be zipping itself a hat to wear instead of getting out of the egg, but it was ready and is doing fine...
  4. Harmony Fowl

    St Patrick Day Hatchalong!

    I’m doing lockdown tomorrow afternoon, too. I had one egg crack and ooze all on its own, so I used caution and removed that one. I’m left with 15, five of our own and ten from another local farm. I thought I would prefer to set eggs in the morning so each day coincided with an actual day, but...
  5. Harmony Fowl

    St Patrick Day Hatchalong!

    I candled tonight. 16/17 are fertile, including all five from our cockerel. How are yours coming?
  6. Harmony Fowl

    St Patrick Day Hatchalong!

    Wow, that would be exciting. Icelandics are beautiful. I have several from the same orchard flock with crests. These ones were the most dramatic, though I have just the white pullet still. I thought Polish just because they are small and I know many people have them for the novelty.
  7. Harmony Fowl

    St Patrick Day Hatchalong!

    He’s the bird on the left here. He’s a mix, maybe Polish mix? He’s not very large, has a small crest and matured very early. This picture is a month ago.
  8. Harmony Fowl

    St Patrick Day Hatchalong!

    Pretty Coloured eggs you have. Have you considered a digital reptile thermometer? They’re pretty cheap and available on amazon or eBay and are very accurate (-/+.5*). I have heard they are supposed to be more accurate than a Mercury thermometer. Keep me...
  9. Harmony Fowl

    St Patrick Day Hatchalong!

    I put 17 in this afternoon, five of mine and a dozen from another local farm. Our oldest cockerel is four months old. He mates with our mature hens regularly, and we cracked a few open to check and we think they’re fertile, but not 100% sure, hence the extra dozen. I had a horrible hatch last...
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