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  1. CarrieSlu

    4 Chicks and a Roo

    Ok good to know. This is my first time ever. I never imagined in a million years I would ever be raising Chickens. I Googled a lot but I definitely want to hear from the barnyard and backyard folks raising them.
  2. CarrieSlu

    4 Chicks and a Roo

    Ya Know we think our chicks are happy healthy and huge! But we are confident of their ages, they seem so ready to us too to be in a coop but weather is not helping that case at all. We did not expect them to be so big so soon. I am doing everything I can to keep em busy in the brooder. We have...
  3. CarrieSlu

    4 Chicks and a Roo

    Chick hip flasks??? Lol
  4. CarrieSlu

    4 Chicks and a Roo

    Thank you!!
  5. CarrieSlu

    4 Chicks and a Roo

    Thank you for the info btw! Hope to find something to help my Guinny girl.
  6. CarrieSlu

    4 Chicks and a Roo

    I wish! Its 30° here. Im in mid Michigan. We have a few weeks at best before we might get a little warm up. But more then likely a couple months before we see anything above 60°.
  7. CarrieSlu

    4 Chicks and a Roo

    Thank You!!
  8. CarrieSlu

    4 Chicks and a Roo

    Thank you!
  9. CarrieSlu

    4 Chicks and a Roo

    Thank you!!!
  10. CarrieSlu

    4 Chicks and a Roo

    Hi I'm Carrie and I am new to my new found Loves. Chickens!!! Oh my I never imagined, I have 5 breeds one of each, Rhode Island Red, Australorp, Ameraucana, Barred Rock and Golden Laced Wyandotte. They all appear to be happy and healthy with the exception that my Australorp has crooked feet...
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