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  1. Miss Lydia


    Yes get a gander just keep in mind they can be ornery but you can work on that and we have good info and experience on helping you with him. I like that they are smart and learn quick.
  2. Miss Lydia


    I love my Embden I will say they can be pretty grumpy during breeding season but most ganders are. But he is a great part of the homestead here I can't imagine not having him. He'll be 11 yrs old next month.
  3. Miss Lydia


    Oh okay well like I said my gander bred my Muscovies for 5 yrs and never produced a guck. lol I am pretty sure your safe.
  4. Miss Lydia


    Get another female for your gander he will be much happier. My gander was hatched by a Muscovy duck and lived with only ducks for 5 yrs before I brought home a female goose for him. He is such a happy boy now they have been together 6 yrs . He mated with the Muscovys and never hurt a one but...
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