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  1. Frazzemrat1

    New to should I do this??

    Here it is
  2. Frazzemrat1

    New to should I do this??

    I didn't know Aubuchon sold chicks, assuming its a promotional thing... Then again, we don't have them down here in Ct. But I know what they are.... MA girl raised up.
  3. Frazzemrat1

    New to should I do this??

    Not a chance. The only places I know of that will are farmers/breeders that guarantee individual chicks as male or female. Some will do replacements. But TSC doesn't sell year round, its just a promotional thing. So they won't return the bird or the money. The best you can do is either...
  4. Frazzemrat1

    New to should I do this??

    At this point, like was mentioned before; The barred rocks can be sexed, because its based on the barring, not necessarily combs. So you can look yourself: Male BRs have wide white/grey barring making them look light, while the females have wide black barring making them look dark. Here's my...
  5. Frazzemrat1

    New to should I do this??

    Either or. It will be easier for you and the helpers if you number your chicks and pics. So we can all be on the same page. That's if you do it all in one thread... if you do individual threads for each one, its not as big a deal or confusing.
  6. Frazzemrat1

    New to should I do this??

    WELCOME TO BYC!!!! :frow:wee:frow :welcome Now, LOL The best way is going to be for you to take individual pics of any suspects when they're between 6-8 weeks old. Make sure you get shots of the comb, hackle and saddle feathers and in natural light. Also, pics of them standing naturally...
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