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  1. Chickababie01

    Weak Baby chick help please

    It’s a buff Orpington
  2. Chickababie01

    Weak Baby chick help please

    She can poop but I clean her little butt and what I mean is that it has no tail like this part
  3. Chickababie01

    Weak Baby chick help please

    @Wyorp Rock @TheYLWFlock @dunnmom
  4. Chickababie01

    Weak Baby chick help please

    Bum** and do I make it a little splint? Like with a bandaid & it’s acyually eating and drinking , it’s just the balance and it’s leg and his little bum it has to be under lukewarm water and it’s like a pooping show
  5. Chickababie01

    Weak Baby chick help please

    Guys I need help .. my chick doesn’t have a tail bone , it just has a bun ..
  6. Chickababie01

    Weak Baby chick help please

    do you guys think it’s a prolapsed vent ??
  7. Chickababie01

    Weak Baby chick help please

    With the water I gave it , it’s active and going now but it’s just it’s leg and when it’s laying down it opens its beak and it’s like if it’s swallowing or drinking something
  8. Chickababie01

    Weak Baby chick help please

    Hey Yes I got some electrolyte solution for it to drink by itself and it lays down like this and it opens it’s little beak and it’s like swallowing , but has nothing inside
  9. Chickababie01

    Weak Baby chick help please

    I just really want to know what’s wrong with it’s little leg
  10. Chickababie01

    Weak Baby chick help please

    This is so heartbreaking I just lost a baby chick when it hatched and it died my hands and it was just heartbreaking, I really want this chick to survive and I wanna do everything in my power to save it
  11. Chickababie01

    Weak Baby chick help please

    I don’t think my chicks gonna make it it can’t balance itself .. it stands on one leg and it limp help me please
  12. Chickababie01

    Weak Baby chick help please

    It does have heat , and apply hemorrhoid cream righ
  13. Chickababie01

    Weak Baby chick help please

    it’ walks and lays down like this why? And it’s little bum looks like this help me please
  14. Chickababie01

    Weak Baby chick help please

    My chick is alive !! And it’s up on it’s little feet but it pooped and it’s really ugly poop it stayed stuck to it’s little butt
  15. Chickababie01

    Weak Baby chick help please

    :fl My chick is really sick it hatched today at 04:00 , it is now 14:42 , and it’s still in the same position can I give it this electrolyte solution? Please help !
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