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  1. Twoleggedmotherhen

    Hello, recently adopted 3 hens

    Brahma had been doing an egg a day until last week, got 4 eggs. The EE & Plymouth have finished molting this week gave an egg a day, since Wednesday. I'm happy with their gifts.
  2. Twoleggedmotherhen

    Hello, recently adopted 3 hens

    It is not the permanent run. We do have predators around. Coyotes, hawks, owls,and eagles. The coyotes pretty much stay out, because of the landlord's 3 Great Prynees, they skirt the property. The prynees chase them away. Been here 4 years, never had problems with the coyotes, but then again we...
  3. Twoleggedmotherhen

    Hello, recently adopted 3 hens

    Thank You, was very helpful. Downloaded the app!
  4. Twoleggedmotherhen

    Hello, recently adopted 3 hens

    pic of Brahma, Plymouth and Easter.Pic taken a week after being in my care. They are definitely spoiled aleady. Went shopping today to get them some worms, some grit and crushed oyster shells and a trough for the grits/oyester shells. Put a little oyster shell in with the grit. Available for...
  5. Twoleggedmotherhen

    Hello, recently adopted 3 hens

    HI everyone! I adopted 3 hen, a Plymouth Rock, Easter Egger and a Brahma. Here is the history on the gals. They are in their 3rd year. Landlord had 12 chickens, then he moved out of state and left the chickens in the care of family. The girls were free roaming, for a while they got feed, but...
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