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  1. room onthebroom

    My chickens only want pasta

    I love this pic! :love
  2. room onthebroom

    My chickens only want pasta

    Yeah, its a nightmare! :he I can eat anything that's not too processed (think food that your grandmother/great-grandmother used to cook) which means pretty much nothing from a box. I LOVE ice cream, but can only eat the ones that have basic, straight forward ingredients (sugar, cream, coffee...
  3. room onthebroom

    My chickens only want pasta

    Hmmm... I'm scratching my head trying to figure out how it could, but I dont think I've actually fed any of my birds either of those things. :confused: I have to make most of my meals from scratch because of weird food allergies & it takes forever! The time factor alone makes me more prone to...
  4. room onthebroom

    My chickens only want pasta

    I'm just kidding. It'd be way too weird if that stuff transferred thru... I'd definitely have to stop feeding them so many mealworms. :lau
  5. room onthebroom

    My chickens only want pasta

    Wasabi eggs! Yummy! ;):p
  6. room onthebroom

    My chickens only want pasta

    :oldI can not believe you are dissing The Doctor (… but yeah, that sound way gross! :sick)
  7. room onthebroom

    My chickens only want pasta

    Hmmmm… I've never tried to give them carrots, but we hang kale for them all the time & they pick it clean.
  8. room onthebroom

    My chickens only want pasta

    Ok. confession time. The first chickens I ever had... I didnt know better & created a flock of monsters with shredded cheese. :oops: Those birds would come up a flight of stairs & go thru the dog door multiple times a day trying to guilt me into giving them some. It was a nightmare & I knew it...
  9. room onthebroom

    My chickens only want pasta

    Me too. When I yell, "PrettyPrettyPrettyPretty" the funniest race in town is on. :gig
  10. room onthebroom

    My chickens only want pasta

    I agree. Treats are a fun time to bond with your birds. Treat time is my favorite part of the day, but I also agree treats should be limited to healthy stuff like scrambled or boiled eggs, meal worms, fruit, vegi's, etc... That being said, take a quick look at their crumbles & see if theres...
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