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  1. Julieschicks

    Undigested food in poop and won't use legs...???

    Yeah, we won’t be adding any new ones until next spring at least. Definitely want to try to boost the immunity of our remaining 10 and see how they fare through the rest of the year.
  2. Julieschicks

    Undigested food in poop and won't use legs...???

    Don’t you have to order like a bunch though when you order chicks? We can really only handle 3-5 more chickens at most.
  3. Julieschicks

    Undigested food in poop and won't use legs...???

    We let Ella say goodbye first. Then got donuts for breakfast. We told her maybe we could get some chicks next spring she could raise. She was happy with that. She’s still debating if she wants another naked neck or something else.
  4. Julieschicks

    Undigested food in poop and won't use legs...???

    We did go ahead and put her down this morning. She started to decline some yesterday. It was time.
  5. Julieschicks

    Undigested food in poop and won't use legs...???

    I know. Not the best plan. But if someone is already set up to receive and quarantine and care for, then why not try. It made my daughter feel a little better that she might go to a new home.
  6. Julieschicks

    Undigested food in poop and won't use legs...???

    Well, in a last ditch effort, I offered her up to anyone in my local chicken fb group that would be willing to take and care for her. She’s still alert, eating and drinking a little, this morning. So yeah, it’s hard to put her down, but we just can’t give her what she needs right now. So we’ll see.
  7. Julieschicks

    Undigested food in poop and won't use legs...???

    Lol! Me and my husband actually just got back from 6 days in Belize last Monday. But this is all kind negating what relaxation did we get from that!! We’ve decided if she’s shown no improvement by Saturday, we’ll put her down. She’s now acting like it’s harder to breathe. Opens her mouth...
  8. Julieschicks

    Undigested food in poop and won't use legs...???

    Well...let’s just say I doubt I’ll be coming home “rejuvenated”. Taking 3 kids (7,4,1) to CA to visit both sides of my husband’s family, each dysfunctional in their own ways, is not exactly a “vacation”. :oops:
  9. Julieschicks

    Undigested food in poop and won't use legs...???

    Thanks Hen Pen Jem. Yeah, this is like the worst timing. We just gutted our dining room this past weekend and being a diy job, we’ve got a lot of work ahead of us. And because of that I’ve got no working electrical outlets in my kitchen either. My dining room furniture is in the living room and...
  10. Julieschicks

    Undigested food in poop and won't use legs...???

    This chicken is seriously frustrating. So uncooperative to me trying to help her. She's pretty much exactly the same today as she was yesterday. No worse, no better. Yeah, I guess I'm a little confused about the whole paralysis aspect of Marek's. Because her legs aren't stiff at all. And she...
  11. Julieschicks

    Undigested food in poop and won't use legs...???

    Yeah... Our neighbor that has chickens also has gotten all of theirs from either TSC or Steinhauser's as chicks and she's never had a single issue with any of them ever being sick. The only ones she's lost in the last two years were all predator attacks.
  12. Julieschicks

    Undigested food in poop and won't use legs...???

    Ok, so 1) we've gotten all our birds from the same chicken farm that vaccinates against Marek's and fowl pox as well as deworms the first few months 2) we got 4 3mo old pullets in mid-February (our dog killed one of them as soon as we got home so we had 3 left) 3) we got 8 2mo old pullets in...
  13. Julieschicks

    Undigested food in poop and won't use legs...???

    I’d say for my own peace of mind more than anything. Lol. Like when one of the kids gets sick and I Lysol the whole house. :gig
  14. Julieschicks

    Undigested food in poop and won't use legs...???

    Is it feasible for me to take everything out of the coop and spray the whole thing with bleach water? Is that an acceptable thing to do??
  15. Julieschicks

    Undigested food in poop and won't use legs...???

    Man, I swear, with the luck I've had since getting these dang birds, it's probably like 15 different issues combined to make some new super chicken disease. :he I'm torn between continuing treatment because it's my daughter's chicken and just putting it out of its misery because it is A LOT of...
  16. Julieschicks

    Undigested food in poop and won't use legs...???

    Yes, they have constant access to oyster shell and also crushed eggshell.
  17. Julieschicks

    Undigested food in poop and won't use legs...???

    We did not see the vet with the australorp. My vet doesn't do chickens and she didn't seem so bad off that I wanted to go find one that did. She just got better after about a week. I haven't ever put out extra grit. There's usually sand with little pebbles and such in the run though. They are...
  18. Julieschicks

    Undigested food in poop and won't use legs...???

    As far as I know, she has not. Last Friday or Saturday I found a softshell egg on the coop floor and I know it came from one of the 8 younger ones (since all 3 older ones laid that day), I just don't know which one. There doesn't appear to be any swelling in her abdomen or vent.
  19. Julieschicks

    Undigested food in poop and won't use legs...???

    Since I've discovered some new symptoms, I decided to make a new thread from my earlier one. I have a 19wk old pullet that's got a bunch of different things going on. What I first thought was a leg injury has morphed into I don't know what! She was limping yesterday morning, falling over a lot...
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