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  1. rebrascora

    What is wrong with my 2.5 yr old barred rock???

    With Marek's the paralysis is usually asymmetrical at least in the initial phases so it is quite common for only one eye to have a contracted pupil like this or one eyelid be droopy, or one wing or leg be weak.
  2. rebrascora

    What is wrong with my 2.5 yr old barred rock???

    When the crop is empty, you will not see or feel it. It is quite a flimsy pouch which stretches when it is full so that the bird can store food in there to be digested overnight and should be completely flat and empty in the morning, provided food has been removed. Yes Marek's has dormant...
  3. rebrascora

    What is wrong with my 2.5 yr old barred rock???

    That crop looks pretty full and perhaps a little inflamed. What does it feel like? Can you remove access to food overnight and check that her crop is empty in the morning, just to make sure all is well in that department. They can certainly pluck their own feathers if they have a crop problem...
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